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Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts


Posted by Unknown Wednesday, 14 May 2014 1 komentar
In my previous post about tips on treating trauma with pet therapytips out of troubletips to build team in working on this occasion , let me discuss a few facts about the negative effects of smoking .
Failure was supposed to be a teacher for us , not a disaster for us . failure is delay , not defeat . Failure is a temporary service , not a dead end .
More recently , I saw two teenage girls who were smoking . Is clearly visible , the two girls are the new smokers . As a father who has seen two daughters suffered from trying to quit smoking . I would like to give advice to both the adolescent girls . but I did not do it , because they are entitled to say that , it was all of no concern to me .
As a businessman , I look to both these young girls , that smoking would make them a hard time finding a job . Because , a lot of companies that do not accept employees who smoke . I imagine them , as potential mothers , smoking habits , very dangerous for the health of their babies . If they still smoke , and had become a mother .
As a member of a family of twelve siblings , who now live three brothers , really made ​​me to explain to both the teenage girl , that all my brothers that smokers have already died . You need to know is , the difference of life for people who are not smokers and smokers was nineteen years old . And if the three brothers in my family right now, live the rest of his life in accordance with that predicted , differences in life it becomes more twenty years .
I do feel sorry for reprimanding the girls, but I did not do it . Certainly , there are things that can be done to reprimand the community and is responsible for the abuse of tobacco to teenagers . Do we need to observe one generation we have gone smoke ?
State officials should be aware that it's not immoral to accept donations from tobacco companies factory , because one day we have to pay the evils that we have done now is to countries in the world by sending thousands of tons of cigarettes to them .
Cigarette tobacco will kill more of them , rather than marijuana and heroin . Speaking of hypocrisy , we need to examine our own values ​​here . Addiction to smoking is really an international issue .
The bottom line is that smoking addiction is not good for our lives , especially for health and our environment , depending on how we perceive the use of smoking itself . Everything is back on ourselves.Here are some facts about the negative effects of smoking . May be useful for all of us . Thank you for visiting.

see also how to treat hypertension ( high blood pressure )

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Tips on treating trauma with pet therapy

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 9 May 2014 1 komentar
health teraphy

Love is a game played by two people , and both could be a winner. , 
in my previous posting about tips to build team in workingtips out of troublesthey are all doing well , On this occasion, let me share a little bit about the reference, "tips on treating trauma with pet therapy". Facts about Elizabeth loves Oscar , maybe it sounds not as important news . But for me is not so . Elizabeth is a special girl , she was born with mental retardation , and this life gives her a lot of challenges . One of the challenges that frustrated is a fear of dogs . Only barking dogs can make it scream .
It made Elizabeth did not dare go out in the neighborhood . Because many dog roam . Elizabeth's life more uncomfortable , wherever she is .However , at some point , something changed her life . Right on his birthday . Elizabeth got a gift that completely changed her fears . The prize is Oscar , mini dog , a type of dachshund ( long -bodied dog breed , and short legs ) . For Elizabeth , Oscar is a cute dog , and have long hair . Elizabeth was not scared by a little pup named Oscar .
Elizabeth felt excited and happy with Oscar . A few weeks later , a woman came to her , Cindy Oates and therapy dogs , golden retriever types ( different dogs have fur golden color ) , named emmit . Emmit is the big dog , and could be in order .
Cindy purpose is , that Elizabeth felt comfortable with the type of dog , by giving a brief command , now Elizabeth already feel comfortable with emmit , as well as other dogs . Now , the quality of life Elizabeth has experienced great changes , Elizabeth no longer afraid. And in fact , no longer fear he felt.
Everywhere , all over the country , pet , especially dogs , can provide a tool for children , adults , and the elderly , can become therapy animals . Pet therapy is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States . In fact , demand for therapy dogs for adults exceeds supply .
Currently , the goal of therapy dogs are trained to the hospital , to help the patient in doing various things , which they have never done before , due to accidents , drug addiction , or trauma . 

It is true , someone else can give you pleasure . However , happiness comes when you do things for other people . 
    therefore , involve yourself in a pet therapy program .In fact , why entertain your dog when you are sad . The reason is , because the dog is not trying to figure out why you are sad .
Thus , references to the tips treating trauma , with pet therapy or animal assisted . Good tips that I share this useful to you all. thank you for visiting.

read also tips better longevity and how to deal with disaster

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Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 18 April 2014 1 komentar


   How to treat high blood pressure? According to Greg Risberg , north western university of medicine in Chicago , said the arms are physiological benefits of lowering blood pressure and increase the oxygen in the blood . He said , we also have a thirst for a hug , and we would have missed an important part of our health , if we lack a hug . According to my perspective , I need more than four hugs every day .
Stanley Simon , from the University of Massachusetts, said that a hug is more than just a show of affection , seems to embrace it is healthy . The skin is the largest sensory organ of our body . if your skin lacking in stimuli , many people actually feel sick . These are people who are increasingly difficult to obtain and difficult to maintain his health recovery .
For the benefit of you , for the husband , let me tell you about your wife . They love hugs , but hate it when you ignore them . Your wife wants a sincere hug , which does not contain any hidden intentions , they do not necessarily want a long hug , and in most cases , a wife who does not want a suggestive and sensual hug , hug it really say " I love you , you are important for me , I like to feel close to you , I wanted to spend more time with you " . There's the old expression that says that , " the act more effective than words .
Spending a few seconds every day to give and get some hugs are not suggestive , is more than enough to express your feelings of affection . Other meaning of a hug is dampen hatred , convince your spouse that you love him . When you hug your partner , a lot of positive energy felt by your partner .
The level of health care quality people who are married to people who are not married , very much difference . Both physiological and spiritual health . In fact , with a hug every day can reduce the level of tension in the nerves of the brain that often lead to stress , and can reduce high blood pressure . people who get hugs every day , in believing possess a longer life than those who lack a hug .

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How to get Real affection

Posted by Motivasi hidup Thursday, 27 March 2014 0 komentar
Real affection


Real affection

  One day , I was severely depressed twice in my life . At that time , my friends came to help me , save me with the support and advices really at intend. In the midst of the depression that I experienced , I have a friend who is doing different things with my colleagues the other .
Every 4 pm , he came to me , inviting me to sit in a chair , take off your shoes from my feet , and massaging my feet . In almost never say any word , but he was there , he was with say . He is dependent upon me , I sort of liaison to the human community and then into myself . He does not need my fix , he knew the meaning of love .
From the story above , relates that , love is not just words of affection or love persuasions , but embodied in the form of sincere deeds done though quietly . When you notice your loved ones are in a situation that is painful , uncomfortable feeling may force you to help him . Although you are good goals , but in fact they do not need help.
All they need is kindness , support , flexibility for them to be themselves . Sometimes our thinking about how others should conduct a process is a coercion beliefs and values ​​that we believe or beliefs , and their values ​​are ultimately only add to their pain .
Healing is to provide relief , not like the way that we think about how other people should be given a sense of relief , but in a way that really want to help them . Sweetheart means finding another what makes other people feel happy and then give it to them .
The first step to helping other articles out of the problem is to accompany them . Make them know that you love and care for them . Your presence is more important in comparison with your technique . Meanwhile , the words are not important healing element , though the words were effective in providing tranquility . But just at that moment , that does not heal in the long term .
Just accompany someone when they undergo the process of healing in the face of their problems , is a noble and holy act . If you oppose or support their response to the problem was , then you would only exacerbate their difficulties . If you show compassion to those who are actually without any conditions , then you will be helping them , in comparison that can be done by a method of healing with words .

So in conclusion , to accompany those who are in trouble or critical is the best method of healing , in a way we could make them accompany them we care and really showed the true affection to them .. thank you for visiting

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Tips to better longevity

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 24 March 2014 0 komentar

Helping people live longer

Tips to better longevity

Good afternoon, before a moment let us pray to god almighty , that we are all given the health , strength , and patience in the face of reality in life . May we be given a long life , in order to meet back in my post-post this. Less is more , I apologize . Happy reading .
In accordance with the title of this post , how can just by helping others we can live longer ? Of course , this becomes a question for us . as we know , not age , marriage or death is the destiny of the gods ? That is true . But with all efforts , we can improve the quality of our health , so we can live a little longer life .
According to research conducted by Sara Konrath and her colleagues from the University of Michigan , proving that , people who like to help and do good may live longer . The study was based on samples taken randomly from the 10317 people of wisconsin longitudinal study . The participants were a high school graduate in 1957, in 2008 they were 69 years of age , and half of them are women .
In 2004 , the participants in the data about how often they volunteer activities helping people ) in the previous 10 years . them carefully based on their motivation to help people .First , the reason being that helping others is important , and the second reason to volunteer is a good escape .
The researchers then compared the reasons given by the respondents with physical health information collected , including socioeconomic status , marital status , and health risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption , and body mass index . As a result, those who become volunteers because really want to help have a lower mortality rate compared to those who did not volunteer . Of the 2384 participants who were not volunteers 4.3 % of whom died 4 years later , while 1.6 % of the participants who is really sincere to volunteer died in the same year ..
So basically , help others and genuinely and happily , the rates are even lower in their appeal that does not have the motivation to help people .
Can make it easy enough for a long life , why should blow out the candles , let us increase the quality of our humanity as social beings by helping people . Hopefully our good deeds are accepted by Allah . amen

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the impact and consequences of drinking alcohol

Posted by Motivasi hidup Tuesday, 18 March 2014 0 komentar
 the impact and consequences of drinking alcohol

 the impact and consequences of drinking alcohol
For the umpteenth time , scientists proved that alcohol , even in small amounts, can disrupt the human heart beats which in medical terms is known arrhythmia or Atrial fibrillation ( AF ) . Doctors already know that since long , hard drinking habits can trigger AF . Where the upper chambers of the heart will experience a chaotic situation that does not beat normally .
Chaotic heart rhythm that occurs even though people drinking alcohol in small amounts . Research reports on the release of the Canadian Medical Association Journal , beginning October 2012 states , a study of 30000 thousand adults who drink alcohol will have clogged arteries , stroke , diabetes , kidney disorders and heart coroner .
In five years, people who drink alcoholic beverages , only at certain times would experience a heart rhythm disorder average of 1.5 % per year , while those who only drink alcohol in small amounts will experience heart rhythm disturbances only 2.1 % per year .
Researchers also look at other factors Atrial fibrillation causes , such as age , weight and smoking habits . However , strong evidence suggests that drinking alcohol , even in small amounts can raise the risk of AF to 1.4 % . In addition to disturbing health , while the other dangers that can be caused by alcohol , such as criminal activity , commotion and can also damage the health of the fetus for the woman understood .
The organs of the human body is most vulnerable is the heart or liver . People who are used to drinking alcohol in excess of the above , it will gradually increase the levels of fat in the heart . As a result , the heart has to work harder than usual remedy to overcome excess fat which does not dissolve in the blood .
Another effect is , can damage nerves . Continuously consume will cause nerve damage that causes brain drinkers lost consciousness , his balance and his senses will be less sensitivity. In addition due to that caused serious is the risk of symptomatic heart disease , decreased sexual desire , poverty , lower levels of consciousness .That is why Islam forbids alcohol to its adherents . Because it can interfere with the concentration of worship .
Remedy it , from now on , stop the consumption of alcohol , protect the people of our reconnaissance with a healthy way of life . Hopefully this post can give us an awareness of the importance of health . If you've got the awareness , comment or share . Greetings healthy living.

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how to treat lung cancer

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 17 March 2014 0 komentar

Cancer patients who are married live longer

how to treat lung cancer

Good morning , this morning's post I will discuss , one of the benefits of marriage. The benefits of getting married can also improve the quality of healthcare . As in the title above , married people are healthier life and longer lifespan , besides, marital status and family may distance themselves from the punishment of hell . But , here I will discuss the benefits of marriage for health .
Patients with lung cancer of local small non-cell who married an advanced stage , are likely to survive longer after treatment than patients who were not married . Scientists at the University of Maryland , United States, approximately 168 patients examined the lungs of local small non-cell stage three ( types of lung cancer the most common ) .
Who are treated with chemotherapy and radiation for 10 years . The results showed , 33 % of patients were alive 3 years later , it is the patient that they are married . While patients who have not been married only 10 % were still alive . Married female patients who survived for 3 years after treatment , whereas male patients who are single just 3 % . Single women and married men who survive the score at 25 % .
According to lead researcher , Elizabeth Nichols MD , an expert in radiation oncology in Maryland Greenbaum Cancer Center , married status became apparent independent factor supporting patients to survive longer, although it is not known for sure why it happened . But Nichols asserts , the results of these studies indicate that social support from the people closest to , which helps patients to live a daily life , contributed greatly on the ability of patients survive cancer remedy .
In research in Norway which was released in 2011 , of the 440,000 cancer patients in men and women know that , patients who have never married men in the know quickly died probability higher than 35 % of male patients who are already married . While on among women , patients who have never been married quickly died probability 22% higher .
Hopefully what I say in this post is useful . Thank you for visiting. regards healthy life .

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Benefits coconuts

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar

Benefits coconuts

 Benefits coconuts1

Many people who believe in the benefits of the coconut fruit very much , apart from good to reduce hypertension , detoxify , nourish the kidneys and prevent nausea . Any type coconuts have the same benefits , as long as that is still fresh .Here are some of the health benefits of coconuts for the body :
First , coconut water for pregnant women
Coconut water is very helpful for women who are pregnant with the first 12 weeks of gestation . Usually in this condition , women experience dizziness , nausea and dizziness . Types of green coconut is the most effective , because it can stimulate the body's immunity . So as to prevent a pregnant mother and fetus in the womb of a dangerous bacterial infection .
Second , healthy kidneys
Kidneys are vital organs that keep the body's electrolyte balance . Other tasks also to secrete urine from the body . Renal secretion is not smooth can cause kidney stones , kidney cleanse , so the kidneys to function properly . In addition , coconut water can also prevent kidney stones , and even can both heal . A study showed that coconut water is very effective therapy to dissolve kidney stones .
Third , lower hypertension

 Benefits coconuts

The content of potassium and potassium in coconut water , in the know can be heart healthy . Therefore , drinking coconut water without sugar , pure can reduce the risk of heart disease . Coconut water also function in patients with hypertension . Many drinking coconut water can accelerate the secretion of renal function to lower uric acid in the body .
In addition , coconut water is also beneficial for treating diabetes , smoothing the skin , improve thyroid function , treating cholera , and can enhance the absorption of drugs .
Fourth , detoxification
There are several ways of detoxification , can with fasting , colon detox , liver detox , and so forth . These include detoxification premises coconut water . The process of cleansing toxins in the body in this way is very good . In addition to low cost and easy to do .
If this therapy , body organs , especially the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract be clean and functioning properly , well conditioned body acidity , refreshing body , eliminate hunger , fatigue and discomfort in the body no longer will you feel.
Hopefully this post can help us to continue and always maintain our health . therapy by drinking coconut water does not require expensive . May be useful for us all . amenThank you for visiting. if there is a question , in the comments .

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how to overcome the disease on a housewife

Posted by Motivasi hidup Saturday, 8 March 2014 0 komentar
Recognize illness housewives

how to overcome the disease on a housewife

What are the diseases that often suffered by women ? Here's coverage. Read until the end , yes .....

  Disease in the suffering , most of it is not a strange disease . But still degrade the quality of life of a mother .Well, so we grew to love the mother who gave birth to us and we grew to love the role , now as a mother , it helps us find out some of the common diseases that attack the mother .
First , migraine . The causes can vary , such as lack of sleep , stress , or the coffee drinking habits , weather changes , menstruation , or less intake of nutrients . As for how to cope when a migraine attack are rested and better if done in a dark room , calm your mind , and stick a cold compress on the head to normalize blood vessels . Drinking regular headache medicine can also treat migraines . If you want to use herbal medicine , ginger water can then be an option .
Second , toothache . There is an anecdote that says " a tooth for a child " . The anecdotes can imagine if this is really real . If a mother had more than five children , it can certainly imagine the life of a mother with a tooth ache problems. During pregnancy , many women experience a toothache , but had never experienced it . It is usually caused by two things :1 . During pregnancy , a mother usually experience nausea and acid levels are increased in the oral cavity . This later work improves dental tissue-damaging toxins .2 . The nausea usually cause pregnant women reluctant to brush your teeth . There is a tendency when brushing your teeth very trigger nausea and vomiting ends with . In fact , a fact in north Carolina , found that the streptococcus bacteria that cause cavities can spread throughout the body via the blood circulation . So it can cause disruption in pregnant women .When gum problems during pregnancy , preferably , in the check to the doctor . However , if the cavities during pregnancy . We recommend using herbal medicines like chewing garlic mixed with betel leaf or clove oil .
For prevention , the Apostle of Allah advised for Siwak . Siwak is cleansing for the mouth that make the gods happy . ( Reported by Ahmad ) . Recent research has proved that Siwak can prevent bacteria , infection , and stop bleeding in the teeth . Siwak also can whiten teeth , freshen breath and prevent plaque formation on teeth .Third , lumbago . The main cause is muscle tension . Usually occurs when lifting heavy objects the wrong way or sudden movement when triggered by exercise or emotional stress , prolonged sitting , entered angina , and uric acid .
How to prevent this is to do a sleep on his side to the right. As word of the Apostle of Allah , " lie on your right side ( " (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim ) . Moreover it is not the recommended sleeping on a soft mattress . And before doing strenuous activities are suggested to stretch the muscles first, stand up , sit down with upright , eating less fatty foods .
Fourth , osteoporosis , the disease caused an imbalance between bone deterioration that occurs with the body's ability to form new bone tissue to bone mass had fallen sharply and made ​​it easy to break . In addition , osteoporosis is also caused due to decreased levels of the hormone estrogen when experiencing menopause . Hormone estrogen serves to protect the bone .
How to prevent this is with regular exercise to strengthen bones , consuming foods that contain calcium in vegetables , fruits and soy and exercise in the morning to bask in the sun with vitamin D are abundant .
Fifth , depression . This one disease , sometimes not clearly visible , . Depression can be triggered by bad events in life , but it also can come from emotional pressure constantly. As a result of this depression can lead to a weak memory or dementia , easily confused and even death due to heart attack . But depression can be prevented if we know the symptoms . Among them as pessimistic , anxious , feeling worthless , feeling of guilt , insomnia , difficulty thinking , concentrating or not feel tired .
How treatment is in addition to visiting the doctor , we also can accept the reality . forgive ourselves and understand the weaknesses will make lighter depression . Additionally multiply worship , remember Allah , if we remember Allah , then Allah will always remember us and pray . Hopefully the mothers we are always given health and a happy and prosperous life . amen

So hopefully today's post is useful . For that , let us pray together for our beloved mother , O gods , protect our mother , our mother gave body and soul health , love him with your compassion , protect our mother with your mercy , forgive the sins of our mothers , mothers love us and love those who love , patience and strengthen the strong hearts of our mothers . amen
Thank you for visiting this blog .

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how to handle asthma in children

Posted by Motivasi hidup Wednesday, 5 March 2014 0 komentar
Proper handling of proper asthma in children 

how to handle asthma in children

Good morning my loyal blog visitors. Hopefully today you all are always in good health. Health is the most expensive gift that is given to us of God. Therefore, keep your health as well. If there are signs you should take precautions immediately. Well, today I will share tips on prevention of disorders of the body's health, especially the health of children. As for the tips I will share is about asthma in children.
How do I prevent it ...? Check out the information here,
Based on clinical experience, asthma is a disease that is often suffered by children. The clinical presentation of the disease varies, the severity of the attack or attacks occur frequently rarity volatile. With such symptoms, symptoms of asthma often goes undiagnosed can even misdiagnosed.
Signs of a child with asthma, we can usually see if the child is experiencing shortness of breath or wheezing (breath sounds). In addition, periodic cough that occurs at night / early morning, seasonal, after a certain activity, and a history of asthma in patients or relatives of patients may be a marker for patients affected child.
Children with asthma may experience stunted growth and psychological disorders. Lack of oxygen to the brain tissue can cause a lack of concentration on children's learning, dependence on others and can experience low self-esteem. TRIGGER FACTOR
In general, asthma in children in families, even the lack of maternal nutrition may allow the child's risk of asthma attacks. Dr.. Carlos Camargo, senior researcher and professor of medicine and epidemiology, Harvard Medical School, Bolton, presented his findings on the relation of pregnant women exposed to the risk of child asthma.
Camargo explain the findings, pregnant mothers, if taking vitamin D will reduce the risk of asthma in children at birth. Conversely, when a lack of vitamin D for pregnant women, the risk of asthma attacks in children who at birth are very large.
Factors trigger asthma attacks in children can be caused due to the influence of the surrounding environment. Usually the most important triggers caused by infection of the respiratory tract caused by a virus as a result of physical activity, changes in weather, cigarette smoke, dust and ridge directly with pets. Keep in mind also that asthma in children suffering will not be transmitted to anyone. HANDLING
Asthma attacks can be prevented by avoiding the causes. Treatment of asthma can be done by two methods, based on the condition of the child, the child whose asthma is not yet manifest and asthma in children who already manifest.
Actions in children whose asthma is not manifest 1. Preventing sensitivity in children, although genetic factors are important factors, but the manifestations are influenced by environmental factors. 2. Avoid foods that contain high levels of allergies both in pregnant women, breastfeeding or in children. 3. For parents, especially for the mother, not the recommended to smoke. 4. Exclusive breastfeeding for infants remedy provides immunity and immune effects in children. 5. Avoid trigger factors such as food allergies, irritants, viral or bacterial infection. 6. Avoid strenuous physical activity and weather changes. Actions asthma in children who already manifest 1. Avoid foods that contain soda, nuts, cold drinks and fried foods. 2. Avoid dust that is often found in mattresses and pillows, cotton, carpets, curtains, floor. Therefore be diligent to clean up the home furnishings from dust. 3. Avoid substances that can cause irritation, such as hair spray perfumes, cigarette smoke, insect repellent, objects sharp and pungent smell, air pollution, and the smell of chemicals. If you have to do physical activity, you should warm up first, and if necessary medication before the move.
A few posts today, may be useful. may we all, especially the visitors of this blog, in the blessed health and prosperous life. amen 

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benefits of watermelon fruits  
tips healing with herbal 
 obedients to husbands cured diseases

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Tips and how to overcome depression

Posted by Motivasi hidup Tuesday, 4 March 2014 0 komentar


Tips and how to overcome depression
   Tips and how to overcome depression, If you ever experience feelings of sadness , excessive fatigue after the move , lost interest and enthusiasm diminished , lazy activity , disruption of sleep patterns , . Maybe you are currently experiencing depression such thing .
Depression is a condition that is more of a feeling of sadness . When a depressed person to cause the disruption of daily social activities , then it is referred to as depressive disorders . Eliminate depressed person is not easy , especially in a natural depression that has been many years . A person who experienced it , if not handled quickly it will lead to mental disorders . Even the most severe is able to trigger them to commit suicide .
There are several symptoms that can lead to a person experiencing depression . Among others : in live by someone who meant so much to her life , reduced stamina and often feel tired , increase or decrease in appetite , increased or reduced desire for sleep , stress , irritability , frustration , reduced sexual desire and do not have expectations of future .

Causes of depression

Depression can happen to anyone , whether young or old age , and at any time since the depression can appear suddenly . The main cause of depression , there are a few things , among others, as follows :1 . Less positive thinking

     When someone is depressed , they feel that something bad is going to happen , and it will happen again and again . for those who think negatively and tend to feel depressed , everything that happens is a reflection of the problems and setbacks . changes in a person or a change in environment , a reasonable changes in patients with depression . 
2 . Lack of self-confidence .People who are depressed have always felt less confident , they assume that everything happens as their failure . Even a small mistake can they consider to be a big problem.    

     3 . More attention to the error in life.
     we must have made ​​a mistake , and some people make more mistakes . People who are depressed over their minds focused on the mistakes they do . As a result, they create a negative impression on the error .
     4 . Feeling depressed because of various obligations in life situations like this , people always think what they should do and that should be done . As a result , they feel burdened by various commitments .
    5 . feeling weak
The problem for those who are depressed they feel that there is no single thing that can satisfy them . In fact , when they realize they can overcome their mood , they do not do it . Advice from friends and family , they consider useless . One thing that they feel is , they feel inadequate or inspired by something . 
    6 . Overcoming depression with self-reliance. We can overcome depression with the help of other people , but for those who are unable to seek treatment , depression can be overcome by relying on yourself.There are several ways to do so , among other things :1 . Accepting yourself and your weaknesses
     If you are not able to cope with depression alone , the best thing you have to do to receive your shortcomings . You have to accept yourself with what you feel , and do the things you can do .
 2 . Know your thoughts and your negative feelings .
     As for how you can do in these circumstances is to record your negative thoughts every day for some time . Then you can identify the negative things that has always been a load of your mind . By identifying the negative thought patterns , you are able to prevent , and repair can even stop the cycle of depression .    
        A few posts today , may be useful . Hopefully we can overcome all the problems in our daily lives . I hope that we are all blessed life in a healthy and prosperous . amen 

Thank you for visiting

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