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Showing posts with label psychological. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychological. Show all posts

Try it, maybe you can

Posted by Unknown Thursday, 26 June 2014 0 komentar
Try it, maybe you can.

    All people hear only what be knew.

    Good morning, on the occasion of this morning, I would invite you to go to the past, which at that time, we find a lot of stories from people who can give us motivation, inspiration, advice, or a good example. On this occasion, I will share some of the stories, which perhaps we can learn.
     The story of a woman aged 90 years old. when asked, if he could play the piano, she replies that she does not know. "You do not know what it means? 'Woman then replied with a smile," I've never tried it ". I think it is a good answer, which I hope will open the eyes, ears, and the way some people think. Many of us who have a talent that has not been utilized, because we have never "try" to do something else and different.
   Another story is, nat king cole story. Almost everyone knows "nat king cole". He admired all the beautiful people because of his voice and silky smooth. He can sing ballads, in which only a few people can match. All people do not know how he started his career, he began his career as a piano player.
    One night, at the club's west coast, the singer was not present there that night, and the club owners look for it. When nat king cole said that the singer was ill. The club owner said, "if there is no singer, I would not pay his wages." Since that night, nat king cole take over and sing. The rest is history.
    As for the other stories that we could emulate, from the title of this post. For example, the story will rogers. During the first seven years of his career, Rogers will demonstrate the ability to play rope. He was a true cowboy. He is very skilled at playing rope. On one night, one of the audience asked, the answer to that question will make everyone laugh. Then, there is another who asked him, once again will rogers respond with a sense of humor. Since that night, began his career as a versatile comedian. However, he was more than a comedian. He has an innocent nature, motivating and always inspiring to everyone.

Message: You may not be able to sing well or play the good straps or provide motivation and can not advise all people. But, you have the ability that you can use and you need to develop.
Suggestion: if they ask you, if you can do something you've never done before, do not immediately answer "no". Think about it, maybe you should try it first. Chances are, you have the ability that you do not realize. Try it, maybe you can.

    Here are some stories that I can share, may be useful for all of us. thank you for your visit.
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How do I choose a husband for your daughter?

Posted by Unknown Friday, 20 June 2014 1 komentar
How do I choose a husband for your daughter?

     The motivator, on this occasion I will discuss a bit about how to choose a husband for your daughter, this particular message to the father, you are supposed to choose a husband for your daughters. On previous occasions, I also never talk about
how to become an optimist people, click here, and changes is good for you, click here.
   If what you believe can not affect the way you live, then what you believe it does not really matter.
Do not misunderstand, I do not mean to suggest that you try searching the newspapers or in the neighborhood where you live, to choose the proper husband for your daughter. However, I want to say to you, that you are helping your daughter choose her future husband. for choosing a good husband for your daughter, click here.
The process begins when your daughter like to sit on your lap or ride your back. Actually, the first knowledge that was obtained by your daughters about relationships with the opposite sex is derived from his father. What is a father teaching his daughter how a man treats a woman, would be a measure of expectations-expectations. If you treat your wife with courtesy and respect, then your daughter will keep it in his memory as the way it should be treated by her future husband.
When you see your son loves his mother and treated with respect, he came to know that he should treat his future wife like that. but on the contrary, if you look at your daughter Treating your wife with rough, then your daughter will learn that such a man that treats a woman, and he would not be surprised, though obviously your daughter will not like it if her husband will be abused her.
When you get married, it will be in your wife's mother say to your wife is "you have made a deal of a lifetime, but if he is torturing you, you know there are homes available for you". By surprising coincidence, that's what we say to our daughters. This communication helped our daughter avoid mistakes and errors.
So, for the father, the meaning of all this is, "if you love your daughter, then you should treat your daughter and mother with respect and tact. If you do, chances are your daughter will choose her future husband wisely. The possibility that her candidate is also exactly what will be chosen by her father. if you have a questions. how can i help my daughter marry well? click here.

"Whale holding a message to his son, only if you spray water, you will be in a spear".
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how to become an optimist

Posted by Unknown Sunday, 25 May 2014 1 komentar

 how to become an optimist

     Kindness - , how to become an optimist .
" Personality has the power to open the doors , but character keeps them open . "

Most people consider me an optimist . Because I like to say with a laugh , that I would take the rest of my money which is two dollars just to buy a money belt . In fact I would pursue moby dick with a paddle boat , and do many things with enthusiasm and optimism.
However , I must admit that I lost when compared to the old lady who lived in a nursing home . One day , there was a man who looks different , other than in the others . The man also lived in the nursing home . Fate brought them together , on the first day , they sit opposite each other while eating lunch .
After a few minutes , the man becomes embarrassed , because she continued to look at him . The man finally expresses discomfort , and asked why she keeps looking at him . then , the woman replied , that I looked at you because you remind me of my husband's third .
You have the same eyes , same height , same smile way , everything looks the same to you . The man was shocked , " the third husband ! ! ! As if , how many times have you married ? " with a smile , she replies , " twice "
Note : If you know the woman answers , that's what is called the nature of optimism . I must also admit , my own people are pragmatic optimist . I like the story of a man who traveled to " mann center for the performing arts , in tel aviv " . The tour guide explained about the various features of the various structures that exist in that place . chisels work is beautiful , the wall carpeting , painting also beautiful . Finally, the tourist said , " I think , you name this place by Horace Mann , the famous author . " The tour guide replied with a smile , " no , we named this place by Frederick Mann , from Philadelphia ." The tourist commented , " Frederick mann ? As if , what he wrote ? The tour guide replied , " a check " .
This is in the nature of the call pragmatic optimist . As for the words of wisdom contained in the above story is , " the best time to make friends is before you need them " .Here are some stories of nature an optimist , optimistic nature can bring you to success . Hopefully this article useful for us all . thank you for your visit.

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Posted by Unknown Wednesday, 14 May 2014 1 komentar
In my previous post about tips on treating trauma with pet therapytips out of troubletips to build team in working on this occasion , let me discuss a few facts about the negative effects of smoking .
Failure was supposed to be a teacher for us , not a disaster for us . failure is delay , not defeat . Failure is a temporary service , not a dead end .
More recently , I saw two teenage girls who were smoking . Is clearly visible , the two girls are the new smokers . As a father who has seen two daughters suffered from trying to quit smoking . I would like to give advice to both the adolescent girls . but I did not do it , because they are entitled to say that , it was all of no concern to me .
As a businessman , I look to both these young girls , that smoking would make them a hard time finding a job . Because , a lot of companies that do not accept employees who smoke . I imagine them , as potential mothers , smoking habits , very dangerous for the health of their babies . If they still smoke , and had become a mother .
As a member of a family of twelve siblings , who now live three brothers , really made ​​me to explain to both the teenage girl , that all my brothers that smokers have already died . You need to know is , the difference of life for people who are not smokers and smokers was nineteen years old . And if the three brothers in my family right now, live the rest of his life in accordance with that predicted , differences in life it becomes more twenty years .
I do feel sorry for reprimanding the girls, but I did not do it . Certainly , there are things that can be done to reprimand the community and is responsible for the abuse of tobacco to teenagers . Do we need to observe one generation we have gone smoke ?
State officials should be aware that it's not immoral to accept donations from tobacco companies factory , because one day we have to pay the evils that we have done now is to countries in the world by sending thousands of tons of cigarettes to them .
Cigarette tobacco will kill more of them , rather than marijuana and heroin . Speaking of hypocrisy , we need to examine our own values ​​here . Addiction to smoking is really an international issue .
The bottom line is that smoking addiction is not good for our lives , especially for health and our environment , depending on how we perceive the use of smoking itself . Everything is back on ourselves.Here are some facts about the negative effects of smoking . May be useful for all of us . Thank you for visiting.

see also how to treat hypertension ( high blood pressure )

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Tips on treating trauma with pet therapy

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 9 May 2014 1 komentar
health teraphy

Love is a game played by two people , and both could be a winner. , 
in my previous posting about tips to build team in workingtips out of troublesthey are all doing well , On this occasion, let me share a little bit about the reference, "tips on treating trauma with pet therapy". Facts about Elizabeth loves Oscar , maybe it sounds not as important news . But for me is not so . Elizabeth is a special girl , she was born with mental retardation , and this life gives her a lot of challenges . One of the challenges that frustrated is a fear of dogs . Only barking dogs can make it scream .
It made Elizabeth did not dare go out in the neighborhood . Because many dog roam . Elizabeth's life more uncomfortable , wherever she is .However , at some point , something changed her life . Right on his birthday . Elizabeth got a gift that completely changed her fears . The prize is Oscar , mini dog , a type of dachshund ( long -bodied dog breed , and short legs ) . For Elizabeth , Oscar is a cute dog , and have long hair . Elizabeth was not scared by a little pup named Oscar .
Elizabeth felt excited and happy with Oscar . A few weeks later , a woman came to her , Cindy Oates and therapy dogs , golden retriever types ( different dogs have fur golden color ) , named emmit . Emmit is the big dog , and could be in order .
Cindy purpose is , that Elizabeth felt comfortable with the type of dog , by giving a brief command , now Elizabeth already feel comfortable with emmit , as well as other dogs . Now , the quality of life Elizabeth has experienced great changes , Elizabeth no longer afraid. And in fact , no longer fear he felt.
Everywhere , all over the country , pet , especially dogs , can provide a tool for children , adults , and the elderly , can become therapy animals . Pet therapy is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States . In fact , demand for therapy dogs for adults exceeds supply .
Currently , the goal of therapy dogs are trained to the hospital , to help the patient in doing various things , which they have never done before , due to accidents , drug addiction , or trauma . 

It is true , someone else can give you pleasure . However , happiness comes when you do things for other people . 
    therefore , involve yourself in a pet therapy program .In fact , why entertain your dog when you are sad . The reason is , because the dog is not trying to figure out why you are sad .
Thus , references to the tips treating trauma , with pet therapy or animal assisted . Good tips that I share this useful to you all. thank you for visiting.

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Tips to build a team in the working

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, 6 May 2014 1 komentar

refernce, inspiration, motivation, integrity, in my previous posts, I've discussed about tips out of trouble. how to deal with the disaster, and the change is good for you. on this occasion, let me give you a Tips to build a team in the works , No problem , if you resign from a position . However , do not ever resigned from employment .
   Major surgery , not only requires a skilled surgeon , but also in need of skilled assistants , so that the operation running properly . They function as a team . No one can carry out a major operation with alone , even though he is an expert in the field .
   In a large hospital , a new head nurse , is serving his first assignment . He leads all the other nurses in the operating room . He takes full responsibility for carrying out all the duties of nurses . When the operation is complete , the surgeon said , "Okay , now we close the cut . Please sewing thread " . The new head nurse replied , " the doctor , you'd use the 12 sponge , whereas we have issued 11 " . The surgeon said that , all the sponge has been issued , and ready to sew . The head nurse , said " doctor , before you use the sponge 12 , and only eleven were issued " . With exasperation , the surgeon replied , " I 'll will be responsible " . Hearing the answer, the head nurse angry and stomped his feet , and said , " doctor ,this patient Would you think ! Hearing the head nurse said so , the surgeon smiled , and lifted one of him legs , and showed that sponge to the twelve . The surgeon said to the head nurse , " you pass " integrity has been tested and passed with good grades .
   The question is , how many of us , if it is in the same situation , would bear the risk of snapping the surgeon , when in thinking occurred miscalculation . However , the head nurse feels that the patient's safety and lives at stake , and he no doubt did the right thing . When in the review in the long run , that's the best way to reach the top and stay afloat .
    From the story above , there is a wise words of ROGERStaubach , " the team builder is life tea bags , they will be effective when the water is hot " .

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tips out of trouble

Posted by Unknown Monday, 5 May 2014 1 komentar
We're on the same side , Take a moment to answer these questions , will help you practice what you have learned . Into action and will motivate you to consider the interests of others , with whom you live and how you can provide services to them . On this precious occasion , let me divide my favorite story .
There is a story , " a little boy disturbed by three unruly children , big and disruptive children . Quickly, the little boy drawing a line on the ground . Then he retreated , and looked at the child who bullies her most. The little boy said , " now let 's skip the line " . Confidently , the bully is over the line , and ready to hit the little boy. Then , for some reason , this little boy smiled and said , " now we 're on the same side . "
Physically , they are on the same side , but emotionally , they are still far away . Intelligence possessed by the child , he took the opportunity to put himself on the same side . This is a very effective way to cope with situations most critical , and is a major step in solving any problems that arise .
The meaning of the lessons that can be taken from the story of this little boy is :First , whether the situation is that between parent and child , with labor management , teachers and students . Actually , they are the part of same . and the best way to win is a win-win .Second , a sense of humor can eliminate barriers in communication , and to reveal the human side of you , and sympathy .Third , sometimes you can strive for the big bullies ( those who have the power , leader ) moved his desk over there . This allows for co-workers , students , or employees can clearly understand , that they really are on the same side , and open to listen to each other 's ideas , which they can propose from both sides .Fourth , it is very important that you always maintain your perspective , being open , and do justice when you look at other people's lives .

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Posted by Motivasi hidup Tuesday, 1 April 2014 0 komentar


No heaven can come to you if your heart is not able to find peace today . Take heaven . There is no peace in the future is hidden at the time and today . Then take the peace . Life is very generous giver . But you are rewarded by living only from the outside . Divert your eyes from the outside , then you will get the beauty of life with love , peace and full policy .
Life is so full of meaning and purpose , so full of beauty , . Therefore , having the courage to get it , only that , but you have the courage and the knowledge that we are all living under the auspices of the earth as a wanderer who walked across a foreign land .
Whenever you feel stuck in fear or confusion . Think of that when you feel fear or confusion that is interpretation , not fact . Arabs interpret , words used to express the " problem " is translated as " different views " .
If you are having problems , then you are in the draw to find another perspective to look at this issue . The problem , is not always hurt you , but if you look from the other side , then you will consider it as a friend who will help you towards the stage and mature adult .
As an author , Richard Bach stated " there is no single thing that is a problem without a gift for you . " When you discover and appreciate the gift then the problem goes away . Every word , thought , or action that you generate will confirm either the problem or solution .
Many people defend limitation limitations because it offers security for them , but ultimately they just kept letting themselves trapped in a world that is small and painful . Make yourself as advisor for yourself . Do not ever get yourself cornered .
Hold your vision with powerful , then you will create your goals . And when you are tempted to regard something as a " problem " , then the problems suppose that , as a project , a challenge or an opportunity . Next you 'll be on your way toward a solution .
You do more than you think . great love , open yourself and fill your soul . You are not alone , keep going, then you 'll be where you want .

see also : how to make dream comes true
wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love

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Social psychology

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 24 March 2014 0 komentar

Your world is a reflection of your thought patterns

Social psychology

   We see the world not based on how the state of the world , but as our circumstances . the fact that you are experiencing is the fact that you carry around in your mind . Hence, the view you are using in looking at the world today will determine your future .
Everything from life is a prediction of the future that fulfills itself. Your thoughts are not created from something outside of you , but by all attitude and your beliefs . As a god creature in Arm with any free will , you have a lot of power to produce a world in your mind that you can explore to as your thoughts .
If you find yourself always doing negative things in any of your relationships intertwine or in work , health or economic affairs , thus can be sure that it means you are limiting yourself to interact and socialize . Instead of right - thing you regret that you hurt , you better appreciate it as a reflection of who is in your thoughts .
You can thank every person who appears in your life . Because they all can teach you about yourself . Do not assume stupid , what they see themselves say or think about you it does not match what you think about yourself . Because basically , people were not outside yourself , but they are mostly from within you . Their thinking about assessment and you are the mirror of your own self-assessment and how you think about yourself .
Change the patterns of your mind , then others will also change their thinking about you .. if you are having fun patterns within yourself , chances are you will believe in belief which is based on mutual love and respect . Those who love and appreciate you , reflecting the knowledge that you deserve to get what you need.
The world you live in today is a world you create yourself , then make this world a world that you want to select . Do good to anyone , anytime , and anywhere , with the world so that you will be filled with compassion and kindness .
Hopefully this post useful and gives us the motivation to live a better life . Thank you for visiting.

see also :
how to seeking and finding of love
wisdom of the heart
how to achieve succes

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Do not bury your feelings

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 21 March 2014 0 komentar
 Do not bury your feelings

 Do not bury your feelings

 " If you cover your soul , then at the same time you cover your body . If you always say what aa in your soul , it will feel healthy . "

Health is a function of self-disclosure . when you are still alive , then be honest with yourself and also on your dreams , then the body , mind , and emotions you will be united in your goals . but when you hid your feelings , you will be covered , frustrated and probably will not have any expectations .
Depression is an indication that you 're resisting disclosure of your self . You may not be able to express your feelings and at the same time you will lose the spirit . When you feel depressed , let the moving energy flowing within yourself . Unleash your feelings through the things that can make you feel comfortable and calm . Like listening to a song or feel the breeze .
Express all the pent-up feelings in you , and act according to what you want to do with all those feelings , then you will find yourself in a place that you want. In fact , many people who treat the disease , by expressing their feelings and allow their soul to live freely and based on conscience .   You have a talent and you just can reveal . Reveal your talents , then something else was not so important . You will feel stronger and your life will go according to what is desired .
There is a story , a poet who was sick and at the doctor's complaint reveals , in my body you red spots and my joints ache , I also frequent headaches and could not sleep at night . I become irritable and depressed .
The doctor asked , " when was the last time you read your poem ? "
" Several months ago " replied the poet .
" Have you read your poem aloud last ? "
" Not so "
" If so , please read my favorite poem you "
" " Well " said the poet .
Then the poet began to stand and recite his poetry .The doctor was amazed to hear the poem, " unbelievable ! " The doctor said . The doctor gave him congratulations . Then he asked for another read a poem . the poet and read other poems . after a few moments later , the doctor asked , " Now how do you feel ? "The poet was surprised , he realized that he was feeling better , " I feel very happy ' he said ' then go home and continue things like this " . Said the doctor gave him advice .
Thank you , I hope this post gives us the motivation to not always harbored what we feel . Harbored feelings is a liver disease that has no cure , until you express it . May be useful . Thank you for visiting.

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Posted by Motivasi hidup Thursday, 13 March 2014 0 komentar
Express anger and maintain intimacy
Good morning, hopefully today we are all healthy and happy. But, if perhaps all of us there who have problems with their partner, but do not know how to handle it. because of the possibility of our partner rampart. for that, there is little here that is very Simpler solution. I'm sure you all can do well. hopefully can help you. please refer to

One day , a man came to me . These young men sat and talked , even he has not introduced himself and asked if I had time to listen to the story . He kept talking . Whether or not I listen to him , he did not notice me .
When my kitchen to get a drink , he was just talking to myself . I conclude , this man must have a very severe emotional problems . Because it is so heavy , he could not even control herself and her mind , she no longer needs a listener but he needs a chance to dump the contents of the liver and guilt completely.
The first meeting , I almost do not understand what is in talk about . The next meeting , he told me again , this time he could tell clearly . Although still repeating his word . At the next meeting , start invisible core of the story . He experienced a conflict in the household which no completion .
The cause of the problem is the man , his wife often acted rude to him , even physically hurt . In addition , the nature of both equally rampart , irritable and emotional . Actually it does not matter if the husband and wife both have properties that hard , as long as they can understand each other and understand the nature of each .
Starting from each other the nature of each pair , or we have to know what are the signs that spouse is angry , bad mood . we can act immediately on what to do in order not to explode emotionally . If you already know the signs , we can determine more quickly follow and refrain from behavior that is alluded to . So instead provoke emotions out , this is often referred to as emotional maturity , ability to recognize , understand , and accept the good .
Furthermore premises couples can communicate in a positive way and not hurt each other . Or it could also express this emotion in a way that is convenient , for example , "sorry , I 'm angry "
If not possible , a husband or wife can express negative emotions to the full. Can speak openly and carefully , but must exercise restraint and not to blame . We must remember that , personal communication conjugal aims to achieve the best completion point . , Relieve settlement , valued and heard .
Up here , we do not need to rush to find a solution of the problems that are being hit . There is a tendency , in a situation like this , we are still not thinking clearly . Instead , we tend to still want to win the argument and even each corner . If we are still not thinking clearly, as good as any in the proposed way out by couples , we still can not accept it for what it is . That is why , we need to hold back for a moment . Most importantly , we can ( husband and wife ) can be a win-win in every dispute .
Even if the case , we still peaking emotions spouse , you need to do is hold back for a moment , accept each emotion , do not sue , blaming . Although the error was available to him , remained silent and hold down for a moment .   If emotions had subsided , and each pair had known each other know what is not in love , then the husband and wife can be sure to be looking for atmosphere , time and place to communicate well . Discuss the problem with your heart quiet and relaxing . If not invited to speak calmly and relaxed , then the best way is to discuss it with him to eat . Because if in conscientious deeper . 90 % - growing love of eating good food . Next, discuss the problem of heart to heart .

I hope this short post is useful, may be a lesson for all of us and hopefully can give you inspiration and motivation to be a pair of healthy living in a family.
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how to set an example for children

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 10 March 2014 0 komentar

how to set an example for children

Good morning ,
hopefully on a sunny morning , god gives us and our families physical and mental health . amen
This morning , I as an admin will discuss about the character of the child , how to shape the character of children to behave well and polite ? That's all , could be influenced by three things : parents , school teachers , and the environment . Here , I will focus on three things to " ENVIRONMENT " or referred to as " TEACHER THIRD CHILD " .
A girl about four years old , asked her mother busy . Finish the question , he asked again . At the same time , her mother was talking to the child's uncle . Was disturbed by his nephew , the uncle felt his pack of cigarettes , and then threw it at his nephew 's mouth , " basic chatty " said his uncle scolded .
The child is then shocked , screaming and crying to his mother . In addition to feeling pain in her mouth , she also felt hurt by the rough treatment of her uncle . Then her mother comforted her . Long story short , the child now grown , married and have two kids . Despite the bad experience it has been passed almost 35 years , but he felt as though it were yesterday .
He was hated at his uncle and felt disappointed with his mother which he did not defend it . Entertainment at that time provide it only minimally and not solve the problem . The child was traumatized by items related to smoking , such as ashtrays or lighters . Many years these girls live in fear of the goods and feel traumatized .
That experience somehow makes it often afraid to ask and do not want to try to find out more about the one thing he learned . The girl has now earned a master's degree from two different fields .
Another story happened in a motivational training for primary school children . The coach gives direction important to be careful in seeing pictures or impressions on the internet or television . One of the boys looked dreamy and smiled to herself , without listening to the material described .
The child is then in talking to. Though at first he was evasive , but in the end he admitted that he had seen a porn movie scene in the driver cell phone for 10 minutes every day .

how to set an example for children1

 When the information is accurate, the child 's mother confirmed it . Finally the driver was fired . Although the driver was gone , but the impact of his behavior remained attached to the child's brain and lead to deviant behavior . The child is often stunned , daydreaming and concentration and if in Tanya , the answer is often incoherent .
In conclusion , from the two stories above , describe the role of the " third teacher " for the children " environment " after parents and teachers at school . Many parents are not aware of the dangers at the same time the role of the " third teacher " is , among other things : a housekeeper , driver , relatives , neighbors , even the guests who come . All of it can be a teacher for children .
Not enough training parents and find a good school , but it is also important to look at the situation and condition of the third teacher in order not to damage the physical or mental . In the first story , the mother should admonish his brother ( uncle of the child ) that it is inappropriate in doing . Problems must get to the bottom , until the child does not carry the load until he was an adult .
  It does not change the lesson of " third teacher " is. However , there was no choice but to teach them how they should behave in children . Therefore , you should never entrust the children to the " third teacher " that we do not know for certain behaviors. Their behavior will also affect the behavior of our children .
   see also here how to educate children 
tips for choosing good school 
Thank you for reading this post simple , I hope what I say helps. may we all be given a happy and harmonious family by God merciful and all- merciful . amen

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