This is the way god loves you
Monday, 31 October 2022
The way God loves you is sometimes not by giving you life in abundance, but by giving you a life full of simplicity, because God wants to lighten your reckoning.
God's way of loving you sometimes is not by giving you health, but by giving you pain, because God wants to erase your sins.
God's way of loving you sometimes is not by giving you happiness and comfort, but by giving you various calamities and trials, because God wants to raise your degree later in heaven.
The way God loves you sometimes is not by granting what you want, but by delaying your prayer or replacing something else, because God knows that there is danger behind what you ask for.
For that, keep husnudzon to Allah, for all the difficulties, illnesses, tests, difficulties and failures that you face.
Because the road to heaven is not easy.
It takes a test so that we get a lot of rewards from Him.
It takes patience so that we get His blessing,
It takes pain so that we get His forgiveness,
It takes sacrifice so that we get a high position in His heaven.
That's sometimes the way God loves you..
Even some wounds are created not to heal, so that they can be meaningful lessons and if we are sincere, we will get a reward.
So be patient with all the fates that you face, Truly in the end you will understand that behind everything that Allah has outlined, it turns out that there is a lot of happiness and goodness.
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