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Showing posts with label religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious. Show all posts

This is the way god loves you

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 31 October 2022 0 komentar
The way God loves you is sometimes not by giving you life in abundance, but by giving you a life full of simplicity, because God wants to lighten your reckoning.

God's way of loving you sometimes is not by giving you health, but by giving you pain, because God wants to erase your sins.

God's way of loving you sometimes is not by giving you happiness and comfort, but by giving you various calamities and trials, because God wants to raise your degree later in heaven.

The way God loves you sometimes is not by granting what you want, but by delaying your prayer or replacing something else, because God knows that there is danger behind what you ask for.

For that, keep husnudzon to Allah, for all the difficulties, illnesses, tests, difficulties and failures that you face.

Because the road to heaven is not easy.
It takes a test so that we get a lot of rewards from Him.
It takes patience so that we get His blessing,
It takes pain so that we get His forgiveness,
It takes sacrifice so that we get a high position in His heaven.

That's sometimes the way God loves you..

Even some wounds are created not to heal, so that they can be meaningful lessons and if we are sincere, we will get a reward.

So be patient with all the fates that you face, Truly in the end you will understand that behind everything that Allah has outlined, it turns out that there is a lot of happiness and goodness.

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look into your consciousness

Posted by Motivasi hidup Sunday, 30 March 2014 0 komentar

look into your consciousness

Look into your consciousness, when you copy an image for a few years , then the image will change to the point where the image has little relationship to the original and can not recognize anymore . In the same way you can not build a relationship with both hands because of the power of your god actually exists in direct relationship with its power of god .
If you seek to know God through the interpretations of many people who came before you , then you ended up just going to find out other people 's perceptions are often tainted by fear and guilt , and is not at all an expression of love .
If you depend on others to define god for you or dictate your path toward peace , then you will be confused and your relationship with God will be less deep . Get rid of everything that people ever say to you about God , the truth and the life all the same , and develop your own understanding and relationship .
All that there once was now in front of you and invite you to find out by way of your own . Forget what you 've been taught to you , so that you can remember what you know .
Once, " a man came to the Buddha and asked , " Do you rabbi ? "
' Not " replied the Buddha . " Then , are you a saint ? "" Not "" Then , are you a teacher ? " " Not " replied the Buddha again . " Then , who are you really? "" I was the one who realized " replied the Buddha .
We tend to fit the people into various categories . However , because we are spiritual beings having a belief in a god , any category that we can match it to ourselves or others will just make ourselves seem smaller than it is .
The wise men are full of love and have a good relationship with religion is no different than all of us, it's just that they remember their identity . Any enlightened teacher will tell you that all of the best is what they are, so also it is with you .
Respect their position but without having to sacrifice your own position and respect them together as you respect yourself and as you want in respect to others . do not consider that the famous figures flattered that you praised , praise - praise or admire excessively , until you worship and forget your consciousness .
But suppose them as role models to imitate or as a means to motivate your life . Then , when you promote your strengths , then you do not stand up under you as a student or subordinate , but as a colleague . The goal of all religious teaching is evocative of consciousness . Remember your true self then you will blend with your teacher .Thank you for visiting. may god always bless you , may your faith give you strength in defense of the great god . May the gods give you instructions to always do good deeds to anyone , anytime , and anywhere . amen

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the power of pray

Posted by Motivasi hidup Saturday, 22 March 2014 0 komentar

Earnest prayer

the power of pray

Little spiritual growth related to the words , but instead highly correlated with experience . We can distract each other and ourselves with words and hide behind the words . Nevertheless , the experience of life is much more valuable and will remain with us for a long time .
  Prayer is real , not merely read but read an article in the intention of the heart . You could say all the right words , but if your mind drift anywhere or if your intention is weak then you will only get a few results.    Conversely , if your request for help with sincerity , desire and confidence then you can say just a few words or none at all ) I 'm sure , your application will be answered by God as a whole . Terrible experiences or challenging , encouraging us to ask profound questions that will require answers are correct .
The questions that will make us review how the way we live , and remind us of the sanctity of life , relationships , and our souls . so that it will make us , will be more respect for human life from the other objects and starts his own we will do less manipulation and more appreciative of life .
People who are already nearing his death , have a greater appreciation for life and a lot more make real choices . Include your whole heart in your prayers . And when you 're not praying , include the whole of your heart in your life . That way your whole life will be a prayer .
There is a story , a preacher religion and a taxi driver arrived at the gates of heaven at the same time . After questioning the two , guardian angels heaven door finally opened the gate and let ai taxi driver to go first . Then the preacher asked to sit and wait for further consideration . The preacher , angrily , " how can you invite the man went ahead of me ? " He complained . " I speak every day of the week for more than 50 years , whereas it was only done in the cab driving around town " .
" That's right " , said the angel . " When you give a religious lecture , the people fall asleep , but when the taxi driver drove , people prayed . "Pray premises sincerity of your heart , not important , long or short your prayers , if it is the deepest of your heart then God will hear your every prayer . Hopefully what I say is beneficial to us all ." O my God , glorify people who read this post" Lighten his feet to obey do good" Live the family" Make it easy all his affairs" Ideals grant" Keep away from all calamities , diseases and disasters" And hold the match for people who read and share this post . amen Thank you for visiting

see also : how to be merciful
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history of the lives of the prophets

Posted by Motivasi hidup Wednesday, 12 March 2014 0 komentar

Working mark grateful

history of the lives of the prophets

" Work , O family of David to give thanks , and few of my servants are grateful " ( Saba ' : 13 )
Meaning grateful

    Among the prophets , Prophet Daud was a messenger god who received direct praise of Allah . In the Qur'an , Prophet Daud often mention as a servant who always repent and be grateful . How does a servant grateful to god ? In this case , there are many ways a slave show gratitude to Allah . Including by giving praise to the gods , calling her name and exalt his greatness .
Moreover , by doing a lot of worship and do much good could also demonstrate a sense of gratitude .

A strong work ethic

For those who believe , work ethic is something that should never be loose in his life . Therefore , the nature of life in this world is only temporary and momentary . While the ultimate goal of life is the afterlife . Therefore , every man in demand to continue to work , to gain merit and goodness as a preparation towards eternal life in the hereafter .
Work also includes worship , even when working in the workplace or when ever we can do the worship . For example like : grateful for our work , grateful for positions in the workplace , co-workers appreciate . All of it is a form of worship of gratitude . If we be thankful in this life , then the gods will add to any provision of mercy and compassion . And conversely , if we refuse it, then Allah will give us the torment and punishment .

 Only a few are grateful

  Although flattered by this grateful gods , but people are grateful just a little . Though rewards for people who give thanks very much . It proved , disobedience is more in enjoy than on obedience . Often times we give thanks to the gods , when the survivors of the disaster that will harm our souls . but when he received a gift of a human , we are just grateful to the man that, instead of thanking god .   That is why , what we get very little benefit. thanks for god , then what we would get in the like thereof .
To that end , they asked " O my god , what the hell can I do to thank you ? Because gratitude is also part of the favors that you give . God then said " with this realization that, then you have been grateful to me , when you realize that everything in this life can not be separated out of favor and affection . ' ( History of at - Tirmidhi ) .

So , I hope this post helps. may we include servants belonging as a grateful servant . amen

 thank God .......
    see also stories of inspiration 
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the story of inspiration and motivation 

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how to deal with disaster

Posted by Motivasi hidup Sunday, 2 March 2014 0 komentar

 Good morning ARK friends, ARK will discuss today about a condition that often we experience. In accordance with the above title. Before I discuss them, I wish all of you the ARK, always healthy and prosperous. Because today's post deals with the disaster. What should we do when the unfortunate like illness. Check out the coverage here.
Every person who lives would never feel pain. one must be sure that the condition was a test from God. In that regard, there are several things that need to be done by people who are sick:
First, patient and sincere. People who are sick should be sure that what happened to him is the trials and testing of the gods. Word of god. "He who makes the dead and alive, so that he is testing you, who is best to his credit, and he is the Mighty, the knowing (Qur'an Al-Mulk: 2)
If the sick person believes he got a test from Allah, then he will not be upset and angry with fate befall him.
Second, treatment. Allah's Apostle said, "Allah created the actual disease and the cure. Then let your treatment, and not treated with something forbidden. (Ad-Daulabi history).
Third, treatment to the experts. People who are sick should come to the experts. Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah lowers the gods sent down the disease and the medicine anyway. have to know the people who know, and those who do not know will not know it. (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim). Those experts include doctors or people who have expertise in making potions and reflection acupuncture and so on.
The treatment by shamans, witches or other shirk things haraam. Of Hakam Ibn Mu `, he said," I said, O Allah's Apostle, I had just left my religion and convert to Islam. Among us there are who come to the shaman, the Apostle of Allah said, do not go to them (the deities). "(Narrated by Muslim)
Fourth, if the pain gets worse, should not expect death. Of Annas, he said, "do not expect either of you are in the unfortunate death of receipt. If it should do it. Then let him pray "O Allah, give me life, when life is good, and please take my life if death is a favor to me. (Muttafakun 'alaih).
Fifth, if you have dependents or errors mandate to settle and apologize. If it does not allow for remote place or no ability, then let him intestate to his heir in the case. Allah's Apostle said, "anyone who commits a crime against his brother, either against themselves or against the price of something else. let him that his brother was let go (forgive) on this day, before coming a day when there is no money or the Day of Judgement or judgment day. If he has the goodness it will be taken in accordance with the levels of crime kindness. If he does not have the merits will be given the sin of the person who hurts (zalimi). (Reported by Bukhari)
so a few things that should be on do by people who are sick, may be useful.
A few posts this morning, may we all be in good health and happy. Thank you for your visit may be useful. amen

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stories of successful people in indonesia

Posted by Motivasi hidup Sunday, 23 February 2014 0 komentar

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how to keep animals according to religious

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 17 February 2014 0 komentar

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how to address the fate of god

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 14 February 2014 0 komentar
how to address the fate of god

   Expect better than dreaming and despair. Do not despair , Beliefs and prejudices on the gods must be present in every Muslim . We should not despair let alone to commit suicide . Allah says , " O say, my servants , which goes beyond the limits of themselves , do not despair of the mercy me , the real god forgives all sins . Surely Allah is All-forgiving , Most Merciful , " ( az - Zumar : 53 )
         In the above verse , even if god has called them as "those who exceed the limits " but god still invite them to hope and not despair . Whatever human error , no matter how large scales , god kept waiting at the door of forgiveness from the god . If they ask for forgiveness , then god forgive .
   Still, do not get me wrong . Not everyone who has hope will forgive his sins . Those who forgive are people in earnest asking forgiveness . Brands are people who do repent . While regretting his mistake , they replace it with kindness . While admitting guilt , they promised not to repeat it . Many people are fooled between hope and wishful thinking . People who wish always buck . As for the person who fancies lazing they did not even do anything against his expectations . To distinguish between people who expect and can fantasize assumes as two farmers who have a piece of land . A farmer who planted , watered and nurtured the plants . That people who wish . While farmers are both not doing anything but hoping to reap the results , they do not grow anything but want to pick the fruit .
    How many we meet the visionary . They expect heaven but do good deeds according denizens of Hell . They expect mercy and forgiveness of Allah but they see themselves daily to accumulate piles of sin . In saying they want but they actually do something that brings wrath .
This is the main work of the devil, in his mission to mislead people . With the lure lure of earthly pleasure , demons also invites men to long chimera to whisper sweet words and false promises that are polished with lust . Eventually they get busy in the shadows by the pleasures of the world .
Prophet asserted , " an intelligent person is one who always evaluates himself and work for life after death . And the weak are always followeth his own lust and dreaming about the gods , " ( narrated by Ahmad , Ibn Majah and Tirmidzi ).

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way wish to god

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
way wish to god

Way wish to god , Hoping is not dreaming ,One characteristic of the believer is convinced and always expect the almighty god 's grace , a sign of the persistence of faith . In any landslides often we hear there are victims who are still alive after being buried after days . Why are they still survive ? they answer because they still harbored hopes to live and survive
Hope is the power of incredible spiritual energy which is owned believer . Hope that's what caused the Muslims always pray to god . Prayer is evidence of faith and implementation . In fact , though not yet in the grant , a believer still happy to pray . This is because he believes that the petition could be replaced with something better . , Or request delayed until an appointed time , especially in the hereafter .

   Prayer , in addition to a highly effective means of worship to get closer to god almighty also a surefire way to foster hope, motivation , as well as hard work . People who believe hopeless in earnest and more energetic in running his life .
The most important is the gods wish to assume good faith to him . Positive thoughts should be instilled , because Allah will follow his servant prejudice . As a man of faith , obligatory kind thought to the gods that mercy is very broad , covering everything . Even god has a nature 's wrath and the punisher but grace precedes from the wrath .
Prophet said , " when creating creatures , gods created a provision in his book which was on its side , in fact my mercy precedes My wrath " ( Bukhari and Muslim history ) .Therefore no one despair of the mercy of Allah. Therefore , grace is very broad and distributed to anyone who is expecting . Even pagans also received mercy , although only in the world . Moderate Muslims get a blessing in the world and in the hereafter,

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