Posted by Motivasi hidup
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Grateful to the universe

There is a tribe in Alaska, America . Which is known by the name of the Tlingit tribe . Parts of the world live in a rich and prosperous . That
said , when the salmon season , small rivers in the region filled with
so many fish , so anyone can cross the river just by stepping on a fish -
salmon . Tlingit tribal people living with the awareness of the abundance of nature , so that they do not recognize the term starvation .
What can we learn from the life of the Tlingit tribe of the above ?
Picture of life in parts of the world occupied by the Tlingit tribes people , and behold the universe as God created it . Abundant with everything enough for everyone . any sense of the real shortcomings in our thinking . while the flavor is not quite not a fact , but a state of consciousness .
When you think about the " shortage " then everything you see into deprivation . In fact , this theory also applies to prosperity . When you look through the view of the " adequacy " , then you will find the adequacy everywhere . Life is not only able to provide enough food for everyone but also
give a sense of love , health , safety , success , and pleasure are
insufficient .
Your thoughts about prosperity depends on your thoughts . Be careful with what you think . Pay
attention to what you think because it will be a word , consider your
words because it would be an act , watch your actions because it will be
divulging the habit , consider your habits because it will become your
character . Pay attention to your character because it will become your destiny .
It's easy when we talk about the economy , lack or loss , a disease that is endemic . However , to care about what other people say or in what it does . Actually, you have the power to specify the the fate of the world with you in your consciousness . You are a free form in realizing your experiences .
You can create or destroy any belief at any time . All thoughts of prosperity in harmony with the nature and purpose, and also with the universe as God created it to you . Think rich with ideas , then you 'll really realize how rich you are . Conversely , if you think of deprivation , then you have only deficiency .
In conclusion , everything that God created the universe , has a specific meaning and purpose . Even the creation of life like a small mosquito , has tremendous significance , so we want to think . Be thankful for what you have. Thank you for visiting
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the characteristic of winner
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appreciate the time

Busyness is a large part of the transfer of the views themselves . we
are afraid to face the feeling of an endless list contains activities , tasks and functions that some of the agreements that we are
always busy . Then we become too busy and tense which causes the harmony of your
social life be delayed so that eventually you become forgotten .
So naturally if things like that cause heart disease we find in our culture . soul and mind need time and space to flow with the balance we will feel happy and healthy , both physically and emotionally . Take your time to enjoy life .
you are entitled to pleasure , as well as your mind and spirit are
entitled to at refresh time , free of tension , and pressure without
losing your responsibility . In addition , if you keep your life in happiness , then you will
actually reach your tasks more quickly , easily and efficiently .
Every day , you set aside time to rest , calm the mind and do some light activities that are fun to develop your soul . For example, by listening to music , art or dance, read , gather with colleagues , friends, hobbies or out enjoying nature .
you do something you love , even in short periods of time each day ,
then you will get back your energy and strength to do the things you
should do . However , if you are too busy to have time to get in touch with your soul , then you really too busy .
Because of that , appreciate your life , as you appreciate yourself , then other things will automatically follow. So in conclusion , do not let your busyness of your time each day ,
make it a habit to share time with soul and your body , cherish every
moment that you have for your personal life with family , colleagues or
socialize with the community .
Take a moment of your time to enjoy the beauty of the world that is given to you . Enjoy your life freely .
Thank you for visiting , may god bless your life with happiness in love and affection . amen
see also : wisdom of the heart
how to achieve succes
how to seeking and finding of love
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Tuesday, 25 March 2014

In a seminar , a woman named Lisa , told her story, that she was married to a man who does not have feelings for her . After undergoing years of a long and frustrating in an effort to restore the warmth in her marriage . Lisa felt that she had to leave her husband .
I say to my husband , that I want a divorce but my husband refused to
divorce me . " Therefore , I decided that , even though he does not love
me , I will love myself . I decided to give a sense of love and affection on me that I had been looking for in my husband
, I wrote several love letters , for myself, the letter contains praise
for me , how beautiful , how wise and how interesting I am . One day , my husband found one of the letter . Because the letter was not signed , my husband thought it was from another man . the next day , my husband came to me , and waved the letter in his hand . He said , " I can not compete with this guy , you get a divorce that you want "
So , what lessons we got from the story above .
Your relationship is a mirror for you . Love that you receive or that you did not receive from others is a reflection of how much you love yourself . When you truly love yourself then you will never be in the abuse. On the contrary , if you do not love yourself, then nobody can help you .
you feel sad or frustrated for not getting the love , appreciation , or
acknowledgment that you want to get from other people , then give it
all to yourself , good love , appreciation or recognition . Have all the love for it . Why should bother to look to others ?
you love yourself loving the funds , then your happiness will grow
within yourself, and you do not have to hang it on others . when you give a lot of love for yourself , then your relationship
will change as a reflection of the attitude of self-respect that you do .
You do not need to force or manipulate anyone for life will help you to achieve the changes you want . Those who do not fit in with the attitude of self-respect that you
do , will begin to take a stand either respect you or will leave the
world that you have mastered .
In the end , things will change everything , the world will send those that match the attitude of romance in you . Other people love is not source , but the source comes from you , the
other person is not the source of happiness , but the source from within yourself .
So basically , do not rely on others , if you want good results of your work , then working with your own hands .
Hopefully you get what you want. Thank you for visiting.
see also : wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love
how to be merciful
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might be tempting to get rid of people or events that seem to stand in
our way , but what seems to be a barrier there can be an important
lesson or blessing . We never know for sure why people do things . Each person has his own reasons for his actions , and there is often a sense that we do not know at first glance .
you can resist the temptation to get rid of or to vent anger without
consideration of the response , then you will find the following
valuable lessons : everything happens for a purpose and everything was
useful . The whole world is a classroom learning for us and everyone is our teacher .
Usually , if someone else who appears to contradict us , actually not so their goal . It
could be that they were only disappointed with something that does not
concern us or being scared or sick for a reason we do not understand . finished . do not take care of their actions or attitudes .
If they look bad , then in fact they just hurt . Do the best to be friendly , and keep your mind from making others as victims or conflict . Compassion to others is a gift we give to ourselves. When the circumstances are right , then happiness will be close to you because you have a wide perspective .
If what you plan did not go according to what you expect , then it is not good for you to impose stronger. If you continue to push yourself , then the situation would be slow . Maybe there are other things where you destined to do something at that time . If you try to do something else might be more easy and fun . Then you will understand , why you blocked .
After that, the roadblocks of your affairs will be resolved and you
can certainly do your task easily and perfectly fit your plan.
So, do not prejudice other people , because it could be any person is a helper for you .
Thank you for visiting , hopefully this article useful .
see also : the meaning of forgiveness
the power of forgiveness
uncle with no name
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Monday, 24 March 2014
Your world is a reflection of your thought patterns
We see the world not based on how the state of the world , but as our circumstances . the fact that you are experiencing is the fact that you carry around in your mind . Hence, the view you are using in looking at the world today will determine your future .
Everything from life is a prediction of the future that fulfills itself. Your thoughts are not created from something outside of you , but by all attitude and your beliefs . As a god creature in Arm with any free will , you have a lot of
power to produce a world in your mind that you can explore to as your
thoughts .
you find yourself always doing negative things in any of your
relationships intertwine or in work , health or economic affairs , thus
can be sure that it means you are limiting yourself to interact and
socialize . Instead of right - thing you regret that you hurt , you better appreciate it as a reflection of who is in your thoughts .
You can thank every person who appears in your life . Because they all can teach you about yourself . Do not assume stupid , what they see themselves say or think about you it does not match what you think about yourself . Because basically , people were not outside yourself , but they are mostly from within you . Their thinking about assessment and you are the mirror of your own self-assessment and how you think about yourself .
the patterns of your mind , then others will also change their thinking
about you .. if you are having fun patterns within yourself , chances
are you will believe in belief which is based on mutual love and respect
. Those who love and appreciate you , reflecting the knowledge that you deserve to get what you need.
The world you live in today is a world you create yourself , then make this world a world that you want to select . Do good to anyone , anytime , and anywhere , with the world so that you will be filled with compassion and kindness .
Hopefully this post useful and gives us the motivation to live a better life . Thank you for visiting.
see also :
how to seeking and finding of love
wisdom of the heart
how to achieve succes
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Seeking and finding

People who are looking for love just realize that the absence of a sense of love in them . And those who do not have love will never find love . Only those who have a love that will find love and they do not have to look for it .
When you sail the ocean of life , you may be looking for a source for guidance . When you get a reply from outside yourself , chances are you will be affected and confused . You will search a variety of information , but the fact that you need is inspiration . So , where you would look for answers that will satisfy you ?
Finding love is a matter of great life , because love is our true nature , and nothing else but love can satisfy us . however , the problem is where we look for love will make a difference in terms of whether or not we will find it . All the love you are looking for is within you .
When you seek love from the outside world then you may receive momentary happiness turmoil . But in the end you will feel empty , hollow , frustrated , and confused . No one can give you what you already have . Go back to the source of happiness lies within you , then you will not feel empty forever .
Within yourself , you will find everything you need so you can spread it to others . the secret of life is not getting the love . The love that you give to others will flow through you and will uplift you when you pass .
you distract your attention from the difficulties of your own and find
the beauty in other people and the world , then you will remember the
beauty of your own . Actually , you are never short , all you need is a reminder that you have love .
At this time , you have a lot of infinite love , because God is always embrace you in the arms of love and compassion . Understand your appeal , then you will become a lover who has never known the world over .
Hope you find what you are looking for , may god bless your great adventure in life . And may you be more thoughtful in your daily life . Thank you for visiting..
see also : how to be merciful
the power of forgiveness
the meaning of forgiveness
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Helping people live longer

afternoon, before a moment let us pray to god almighty , that we are
all given the health , strength , and patience in the face of reality in
life . May we be given a long life , in order to meet back in my post-post this. Less is more , I apologize . Happy reading .
In accordance with the title of this post , how can just by helping others we can live longer ? Of course , this becomes a question for us . as we know , not age , marriage or death is the destiny of the gods ? That is true . But with all efforts , we can improve the quality of our health , so we can live a little longer life .
to research conducted by Sara Konrath and her colleagues from the
University of Michigan , proving that , people who like to help and do
good may live longer . The study was based on samples taken randomly from the 10317 people of wisconsin longitudinal study . The participants were a high school graduate in 1957, in 2008 they were 69 years of age , and half of them are women .
In 2004 , the participants in the data about how often they volunteer activities helping people ) in the previous 10 years . them carefully based on their motivation to help people .First , the reason being that helping others is important , and the second reason to volunteer is a good escape .
researchers then compared the reasons given by the respondents with
physical health information collected , including socioeconomic status ,
marital status , and health risk factors include smoking, alcohol
consumption , and body mass index . As
a result, those who become volunteers because really want to help have a
lower mortality rate compared to those who did not volunteer . Of the 2384 participants who were not volunteers 4.3 % of whom died
4 years later , while 1.6 % of the participants who is really sincere
to volunteer died in the same year ..
So basically , help others and genuinely and happily , the rates
are even lower in their appeal that does not have the motivation to help
people .
make it easy enough for a long life , why should blow out the candles ,
let us increase the quality of our humanity as social beings by helping
people . Hopefully our good deeds are accepted by Allah . amen
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