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life is a choice

Posted by Motivasi hidup Sunday, 30 March 2014 0 komentar
life is a choice

Bruce was a natural motivator . If an employee was having a bad day , 
Bruce was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation being experienced .Seeing this style really made me curious , so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him , " I do not understand ! Can not be a positive person all of the time .    How can you do that ? "  Bruce replied , " Each morning I wake up and say to myself , I have two choices today . I can choose to exist within a good atmosphere or vote in a homely atmosphere . I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens , I can choose to be a victim or I learn from it .
   I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining , I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side .. I always choose the positive side . "" But it is not always that easy , " I protested . " Yes , it is, "  Bruce said , " Life is a choice . Once you remove the whole problem , every situation is a choice . You choose how to react to all circumstances.
  You choose how people around you are affected by the situation. You choose to exist in a state of good or bad . It's your choice how you live life . " one thing that is truly yours that no one can control is your attitude , so if you can control it and all things in life will be so much easier .
If you have difficulty in making decisions , examine how you feel about either of these options . There's a place inside of you that already know what you want , and when you are honest about how you feel , then the decision will be definitely very easy .
When you are not able to decide on one of two options , take a coin and set an option on the front side and one on the back side . Turn the coin and imagine that the side that will show up will form the path that you will surely live . When you see which side that appears , note the spontaneous reaction of your instincts . Do you feel happy or disappointed ? Excited or upset ? Feeling more happy or depressed ?Understand your feelings you will see that the funds existing guidance within you is speaking to you through your feelings .
If thinking about something just does not feel comfortable , then do so may feel more uncomfortable again . You can think about everything carefully and thoroughly up to a point . But then you have to consult your heart before finally applying the action .
Making decisions is much simpler than what has been taught to you . What changes do you want from this situation ? Spend more time thinking about the remedy you want the results of the outcome you fear . And you will see that the path to happiness filled by a sense of happiness .
Follow the road right now , then you will end up in a place that you want.thank you for your visit , specify your choice , and never regretted the choice .

    see also how to make dream comes true
wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love

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in the sky, there is the sky

Posted by Motivasi hidup Saturday, 29 March 2014 0 komentar

after achievement, there are achievements, continue to make changes  

after achievement, there are achievements, continue to make changes

    a woman , burdened and frustrated with his life , so he went to see his teacher for advice . " The teacher listening to his explanation , and then told " the answer is obvious , remove the bad stuff and keep the good things only . " That woman went home and evaluate what is going well in her life and what is not .
Carefully and regularly , the woman began to let go of what does not make him happy and preserve the things that just make it vibrant .
A year later , she began to feel overwhelmed and confused . Again and again he went to visit his teacher . " I know the answer to your " replied the teacher . " Release the good stuff and keep great things " . after hearing the answer from the teacher . Currently , he let go of the things that just fine and maintain great . Since then she had decided just to live from a sense of fun and doing activities that make it vibrant .
As with previous years , once again he got in trouble and went back to his teacher . His teacher gave the same message , " I 'll tell you what to do , go home to your house , and apply to you , keep things extraordinary in your life, and release great things " .
Implicit message of the story is . " Do not feel well established only for a life that is just good or great , make everything fabulous as the benchmark of your life " . Be open to the possibilities always going experiences wider .
Love with all my heart and mastering what is in front of you , so that it guides you on a bigger step . Remove the things that are not important in your life and go for something more meaningful . Life is not a problem to adapt or survive , but am alive is about expanding , deepening and development of the best live for you . 
Good day will not come when you wake up and say , " hey , everything is OK ! " May you achieve a well established situation in your life where you enjoy the thrill of the moment , but the time will come when you had to be ready to keep moving and doing thing more.
For every achievement you 've achieved , there is still another achievement after another , which will guide you to greater achievement . such as Arabic proverb , " in the sky there is heaven " . Your trip will take place from the direction of a good thing better then the best thing to . If you realize that every choice you make offer an opportunity for you to live the truth about yourself to be perfect .
Moving is a sign of life . Trust me if you follow the guidelines in the movement to yourself you will help others in supporting achievement. Love never says goodbye , but love only expand ourselves to embrace greater welcome .
Life will certainly fill any size glass you carry . Therefore, bring a large glass

see also:  how to make dream comes true
wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love 

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Be honest with yourself

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
Be your self
Be your self

  Gray tells of a case of a patient who came out of a door , then closed it , then he came back again check because not sure if he is completely shut . The patient then goes for a while , yet again he was not sure and re- check the door . Thus lasts many times
For God's sake , choose a personality and be faithful to the personality . ( William James )
The strength of a person not related to what you decide , but if you really have chosen a decision . That makes a great leader is becoming their ability to remain standing behind their choices . Respect the decision - Decree of you because it is your decision . Life is short , determine your options and never regretted it .
Often no single right way to fully or completely wrong approach the situation , whichever way you choose if accompanied with intention and integrity will drive you wherever you will go . Chinese proverb says " firmness founding help achieve success " .
The key to any success is when you pick a decision and commit to that decision then you will find an amazing life , your life will feel free and intact , and you will attract the attention of your colleagues who will support you with your decisions are ..
Some people may be gone from your life , but a few others are more suited to you will take their place . Two most important , you will feel at peace with yourself because you realize that merely desired conditions in god to you are your current condition .
You need to maintain your current condition . And this is a challenge for most people because your real condition may be different from the conditions in the world that you want to have it . So far, you have a lot of use in your life as a theatrical response to what others expected of you .
However , of all the plays there is one side that feels real and powerful when you are being yourself . Themselves must not be denied , but must be respected , then you will get the courage and strength to enjoy the real decisions .
In conclusion , wherever you are and whatever you do , do not ever forget your true self . Do not ever forget the things that brought you to where you are now . If you lose all of it remains to be yourself .
Thank you for visiting.

see also  : wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love 
tips and how to overcome depression 

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reflections for a more meaningful life

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 28 March 2014 0 komentar
reflections for a more meaningful life

Your world is precious
If someone on the call as a street sweeper , he should sweep streets so as Picasso made ​​a painting or Beethoven as the music plays or as shakespeare write his poetry . He should sweep streets as well as possible so that everyone will pause to say, " Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job with the extraordinary " .Dr. . Martin Luther King , Jr. .

From the quote above , advised , no task is too small to be a means achieve greatness . Whatever job you do , and no matter how small the job, if you do it in a way that is professional , then you are a professional in your field .
You will not be different from the surgeon at the hospital , or a computer expert or experts in the field of politics . During this time you have been taught to equate success with collecting remedy fame and fortune but the actual achievement born from the way we live life details .
To understand the big picture of life , begin to pay attention and learn with what is in front of you now . do any task you face with earnest and heartfelt . Bring yourself totally when you 're doing those tasks , then you will find yourself with the tasks at glory .
You are not responsible for changing the whole world , you are only responsible for lifting the world that you touch . Make your world a worthwhile place . In this case the world could mean that in your work , your environment or place where you are today, then you will bring joy and healing to everyone who passes through your world .
That way , the person also will be inspired to spread to the general public for a change . Success will not be measured by the achievement of your last place , but how do you measure these achievements .
Do all your work as well as possible , as if you only do it once in a lifetime alone . Although you only live one day , then in one day that you deserve to live with full glory and triumph . Your life tomorrow is the attitude and the choices you make today . The day of reckoning is owned god , not you because it will make sure you get in on glory row . Thankful for what you have today , grateful for the work that you live today and grateful for your life . Because the love of God is very near to those who are grateful . Thank you for visiting.

see also : wisdom of he heart
how to achieve succces
how to be merciful 

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How to love yourself

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar

How to love yourself
ALL BY MY SELF    How to love yourself, Loving yourself is not a fault or a sin comparable to abandon yourself .
Many people assume , attitudes to love yourself is a selfishness . Who thinks only of himself without any sense of caring for others . if only in view of the possibility of the downside of this attitude seem selfish , but if you do not love yourself, then the consequences will be even worse .
Everything must start from yourself, if you can accept your situation with loving yourself , it will give a positive impression for most people . You will look more happy and friendly . This attitude will also keep you from poor sense of compassion, and protect you from adversity and suffering .
Selfishness is not for you to love yourself, because loving yourself is the first step towards the true goodness . Only you with a loved one or whatever it is , you can actually love them in a way that they really want.
Very few people make the mistake of being too love yourself . Instead most people make mistakes because they do not love themselves. That led to the emergence of a sense of guilt and self-punishment , this attitude is far more damaging than the self-indulgent .
The greatest gift you can give to yourself is the desire to be yourself and express a desire for what is what is inside of you . If you can imagine that the blurbs in yourself proceeds from your wisdom and act on these blurbs , then you will move further in the appeal if you doubt or reject the blurbs .
Do not let yourself get out of majesty . Many of those who were doing it , and the world lost benefits because of it . Major changes achieved by people who are confident enough to believe that they may have a contribution they can do . When you know you get a fair price then you will be loving yourself as appropriate . In the end you are in a very good position to help others .
so in conclusion , to love yourself before you love others , and love others as you love yourself.
Thank you for visiting.

see also :wisdom of the heart
how to achieve succes with easy 
the characteristic of a winner 

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how to achieve glory

Posted by Motivasi hidup Thursday, 27 March 2014 0 komentar
Reach for glory
how to achieve glory

Keep up anything for love , if you are truly human , if not leave this league .
Halfhearted attitude will not be able to achieve glory , you go to find God , but then you stop for a long time at the stopover point in life abomination . ( Rumi )
The implied meaning in the sentence above is leading us to maintain a goal to the good. The key to success is to stay true to your goals . Your life is a perfect mirror of your goals , life gives you exactly what you give in this life .
If you possess a relationship , a career , or a particular life path with heart, then you will enjoy the full results . However , if you do so only halfheartedly only, then you will only get half of the results that you want to accomplish . You can not stand in a gap , while embracing both your legs on either side .   Jump to one side , but whatever you do jump perfectly . To whichever side you will get . The only possibility that will make you fail is if you are in doubt in the middle of the gap . Therefore , consider before jumping .
Along the path of spiritual life , a lot of things that would be a hindrance , fear , doubt , and illusions await you in many crossroads . Force you to close the heart of the truth , or that protects you from evil forces . If you happen to fall due to these obstacles , then get up and continue your journey .
In the end , you will be familiar with these experiences , and chances are you will become stronger. every thing that appears in front of you is a part of your search. Use your experience to practice finding the truth . And so lightening for them to vile soul .
Not easy to get a glorious recognition from others . In this life , many things that will knock our degrees . But whatever we receive , life would be meaningless if we want to share something meaningful for others and not just focus on self-indulgence. Your life will be glorious , your death would not be in vain .

see also wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love
how to be merciful

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How to get Real affection

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
Real affection


Real affection

  One day , I was severely depressed twice in my life . At that time , my friends came to help me , save me with the support and advices really at intend. In the midst of the depression that I experienced , I have a friend who is doing different things with my colleagues the other .
Every 4 pm , he came to me , inviting me to sit in a chair , take off your shoes from my feet , and massaging my feet . In almost never say any word , but he was there , he was with say . He is dependent upon me , I sort of liaison to the human community and then into myself . He does not need my fix , he knew the meaning of love .
From the story above , relates that , love is not just words of affection or love persuasions , but embodied in the form of sincere deeds done though quietly . When you notice your loved ones are in a situation that is painful , uncomfortable feeling may force you to help him . Although you are good goals , but in fact they do not need help.
All they need is kindness , support , flexibility for them to be themselves . Sometimes our thinking about how others should conduct a process is a coercion beliefs and values ​​that we believe or beliefs , and their values ​​are ultimately only add to their pain .
Healing is to provide relief , not like the way that we think about how other people should be given a sense of relief , but in a way that really want to help them . Sweetheart means finding another what makes other people feel happy and then give it to them .
The first step to helping other articles out of the problem is to accompany them . Make them know that you love and care for them . Your presence is more important in comparison with your technique . Meanwhile , the words are not important healing element , though the words were effective in providing tranquility . But just at that moment , that does not heal in the long term .
Just accompany someone when they undergo the process of healing in the face of their problems , is a noble and holy act . If you oppose or support their response to the problem was , then you would only exacerbate their difficulties . If you show compassion to those who are actually without any conditions , then you will be helping them , in comparison that can be done by a method of healing with words .

So in conclusion , to accompany those who are in trouble or critical is the best method of healing , in a way we could make them accompany them we care and really showed the true affection to them .. thank you for visiting

see also : wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love
how to resolve contention in household

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