Posted by Unknown
Wednesday, 14 May 2014, In my previous post about tips on treating trauma with pet therapy , tips out of trouble , tips to build team in working on this occasion , let me discuss a few facts about the negative effects of smoking .
Failure was supposed to be a teacher for us , not a disaster for us . failure is delay , not defeat . Failure is a temporary service , not a dead end .
More recently , I saw two teenage girls who were smoking . Is clearly visible , the two girls are the new smokers . As a father who has seen two daughters suffered from trying to quit smoking . I would like to give advice to both the adolescent girls . but I did not do it , because they are entitled to say that , it was all of no concern to me .
As a businessman , I look to both these young girls , that smoking would make them a hard time finding a job . Because , a lot of companies that do not accept employees who smoke . I imagine them , as potential mothers , smoking habits , very dangerous for the health of their babies . If they still smoke , and had become a mother .
a member of a family of twelve siblings , who now live three brothers ,
really made me to explain to both the teenage girl , that all my
brothers that smokers have already died . You need to know is , the difference of life for people who are not smokers and smokers was nineteen years old . And if the three brothers in my family right now, live the rest of
his life in accordance with that predicted , differences in life it
becomes more twenty years .
I do feel sorry for reprimanding the girls, but I did not do it . Certainly
, there are things that can be done to reprimand the community and is
responsible for the abuse of tobacco to teenagers . Do we need to observe one generation we have gone smoke ?
State officials should be aware that it's not immoral to accept
donations from tobacco companies factory , because one day we have to
pay the evils that we have done now is to countries in the world by sending
thousands of tons of cigarettes to them .
Cigarette tobacco will kill more of them , rather than marijuana and heroin . Speaking of hypocrisy , we need to examine our own values here . Addiction to smoking is really an international issue .
bottom line is that smoking addiction is not good for our lives ,
especially for health and our environment , depending on how we perceive
the use of smoking itself . Everything is back on ourselves.Here are some facts about the negative effects of smoking . May be useful for all of us . Thank you for visiting.
see also how to treat hypertension ( high blood pressure )
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Friday, 9 May 2014
Love is a game played by two people , and both could be a winner. , in my previous posting about tips to build team in working, tips out of troubles, they are all doing well , On this occasion, let me share a little bit about the reference, "tips on treating trauma with pet therapy". Facts about Elizabeth loves Oscar , maybe it sounds not as important news . But for me is not so . Elizabeth is a special girl , she was born with mental retardation , and this life gives her a lot of challenges . One of the challenges that frustrated is a fear of dogs . Only barking dogs can make it scream .
It made Elizabeth did not dare go out in the neighborhood . Because many dog roam . Elizabeth's life more uncomfortable , wherever she is .However , at some point , something changed her life . Right on his birthday . Elizabeth got a gift that completely changed her fears . The prize is Oscar , mini dog , a type of dachshund ( long -bodied dog breed , and short legs ) . For Elizabeth , Oscar is a cute dog , and have long hair . Elizabeth was not scared by a little pup named Oscar .
Elizabeth felt excited and happy with Oscar . A few weeks later , a woman came to her , Cindy Oates and therapy
dogs , golden retriever types ( different dogs have fur golden color ) , named emmit . Emmit is the big dog , and could be in order .
purpose is , that Elizabeth felt comfortable with the type of dog , by
giving a brief command , now Elizabeth already feel comfortable
with emmit , as well as other dogs . Now , the quality of life Elizabeth has experienced great changes , Elizabeth no longer afraid. And in fact , no longer fear he felt.
, all over the country , pet , especially dogs , can provide a tool for
children , adults , and the elderly , can become therapy animals . Pet therapy is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States . In fact , demand for therapy dogs for adults exceeds supply .
Currently , the goal of therapy dogs are trained to the hospital , to
help the patient in doing various things , which they have never done
before , due to accidents , drug addiction , or trauma .
It is true , someone else can give you pleasure . However , happiness comes when you do things for other people .
therefore , involve yourself in a pet therapy program .In fact , why entertain your dog when you are sad . The reason is , because the dog is not trying to figure out why you are sad .
Thus , references to the tips treating trauma , with pet therapy or animal assisted . Good tips that I share this useful to you all. thank you for visiting.
read also tips better longevity and how to deal with disaster
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Posted by Unknown
Tuesday, 6 May 2014, in my previous posts, I've discussed about tips out of trouble. how to deal with the disaster, and the change is good for you. on this occasion, let me give you a Tips to build a
team in the works , No problem , if you resign from a position . However , do
not ever resigned from employment .
Major surgery , not only requires a skilled surgeon , but
also in need of skilled assistants , so that the operation running properly .
They function as a team . No one can carry out a major operation with alone ,
even though he is an expert in the field .
In a large hospital , a new head nurse , is serving his first
assignment . He leads all the other nurses in the operating room . He takes
full responsibility for carrying out all the duties of nurses . When the
operation is complete , the surgeon said , "Okay , now we close the cut .
Please sewing thread " . The new head nurse replied , " the doctor ,
you'd use the 12 sponge , whereas we have issued 11 " . The surgeon said
that , all the sponge has been issued , and ready to sew . The head nurse ,
said " doctor , before you use the sponge 12 , and only eleven were issued
" . With exasperation , the surgeon replied , " I 'll will be
responsible " . Hearing the answer, the head nurse angry and stomped his
feet , and said , " doctor ,this patient Would you think ! Hearing the
head nurse said so , the surgeon smiled , and lifted one of him legs , and
showed that sponge to the twelve . The surgeon said to the head nurse , "
you pass " integrity has been tested and passed with good grades .
The question is , how many of us , if it is in the same
situation , would bear the risk of snapping the surgeon , when in thinking
occurred miscalculation . However , the head nurse feels that the patient's
safety and lives at stake , and he no doubt did the right thing . When in the
review in the long run , that's the best way to reach the top and stay afloat .
From the story above , there is a wise words of ROGERStaubach , " the team builder is life tea bags , they will be effective
when the water is hot " .
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Posted by Unknown
Monday, 5 May 2014
We're on the same side , Take a moment to answer these questions , will help you practice what you have learned . Into
action and will motivate you to consider the interests of others , with
whom you live and how you can provide services to them . On this precious occasion , let me divide my favorite story .
There is a story , " a little boy disturbed by three unruly children , big and disruptive children . Quickly, the little boy drawing a line on the ground . Then he retreated , and looked at the child who bullies her most. The little boy said , " now let 's skip the line " . Confidently , the bully is over the line , and ready to hit the little boy. Then , for some reason , this little boy smiled and said , " now we 're on the same side . "
Physically , they are on the same side , but emotionally , they are still far away . Intelligence possessed by the child , he took the opportunity to put himself on the same side . This is a very effective way to cope with situations most critical , and is a major step in solving any problems that arise .
The meaning of the lessons that can be taken from the story of this little boy is :First , whether the situation is that between parent and child , with labor management , teachers and students . Actually , they are the part of same . and the best way to win is a win-win .Second , a sense of humor can eliminate barriers in communication , and to reveal the human side of you , and sympathy .Third , sometimes you can strive for the big bullies ( those who have the power , leader ) moved his desk over there . This allows for co-workers , students , or employees can clearly
understand , that they really are on the same side , and open to listen
to each other 's ideas , which they can propose from both sides .Fourth
, it is very important that you always maintain your perspective ,
being open , and do justice when you look at other people's lives .
read also they are all doing well, how to treat high blood pressure, the solutions
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Posted by Unknown
Thursday, 1 May 2014
They are all doing well,, You
have been given the right of citizenship , in the State which is not
the same as any country in the world , with the opportunities available
to you , which is not the same with any country , which we told you was
hard work , nothing is given free of charge to you , use your education , and rescue those still trapped in poverty and violence . Above all , never lose confidence in the American , all the mistakes done those before you , to fix, not for cursing . ( General Colin Powell )
New Orleans , there is a remarkable family , living in a slum . They are a family Lundy Smith , Susie Mae Lundy and Willie J. Smith . Willie J. Smith , was a Baptist preacher , who raised nine children were successful . This family , an example , skills in entrepreneurship , which was
built with the base , confidence , commitment , and hard work .
Every child has responsibilities that have been set . At
the age of 5 years , the sixth son, is expected to serve and to work
cleaning up the Exxon gas station , and a family-owned workshops . One of the boys it was Larry , now has 31 outlets pizza hut . Since childhood they are taught that " what you eat at night , depending on what you do during the day .
Encouragement or motivation like that , they are very easy to understand and very effective to be applied in their lives . In addition to Larry , there was Michael , a Houston oil executive car . Harold , a president of Grambling State University in Louisiana . Mark and Wilton , a psychiatric counselor in Houston . Nell , an elementary school teacher in Houston . Lloyd , a vice president of Goodwill Industris in Beaumont , texas . Jackie , a nurse in the emergency room in New Orleans . And Yolanda , was an accountant in New Orleans .
They all are the people who work hard , productive , and they start their career since childhood . In
1978 , these children lead a fundraising campaign , which they managed
to collect $ 65,000 , to build a church , which is now led by their
father . Of these children , has given Willie J. Smith , 14 grandchildren , and 3 great-grandchildren .
Apparently, the American dream is still alive for those who want to work hard , and be sure the American dream . But , the important thing is if they have parents who are guiding and directing them to the goals and dreams since childhood
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Friday, 18 April 2014
How to treat high blood pressure? According
to Greg Risberg , north western university of medicine in Chicago ,
said the arms are physiological benefits of lowering blood pressure and
increase the oxygen in the blood . He said , we also have a thirst for a hug , and we would have missed an important part of our health , if we lack a hug . According to my perspective , I need more than four hugs every day .
Simon , from the University of Massachusetts, said that a hug is more
than just a show of affection , seems to embrace it is healthy . The skin is the largest sensory organ of our body . if your skin lacking in stimuli , many people actually feel sick . These are people who are increasingly difficult to obtain and difficult to maintain his health recovery .
For the benefit of you , for the husband , let me tell you about your wife . They love hugs , but hate it when you ignore them . Your
wife wants a sincere hug , which does not contain any hidden intentions
, they do not necessarily want a long hug , and in most cases , a wife
who does not want a suggestive and sensual hug , hug it really say " I
love you , you are important for me , I like to feel close to you , I wanted to spend more time with you " . There's the old expression that says that , " the act more effective than words .
a few seconds every day to give and get some hugs are not suggestive ,
is more than enough to express your feelings of affection . Other meaning of a hug is dampen hatred , convince your spouse that you love him . When you hug your partner , a lot of positive energy felt by your partner .
The level of health care quality people who are married to people who are not married , very much difference . Both physiological and spiritual health . In
fact , with a hug every day can reduce the level of tension in the
nerves of the brain that often lead to stress , and can reduce high
blood pressure . people who get hugs every day , in believing possess a longer life than those who lack a hug .
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Thursday, 17 April 2014
the solutions
A winner was brave enough to admit a mistakes , smart
enough to benefit from it , and strong enough to correct them .
Every problem has a solution , and the best solutions must be equally beneficial . Howard Putnam in his book entitled " The wind of turbulence " telling a story as follows . Baylor Hospital in Dallas , had major problems. Because it does not have enough nurses willing on weekends , because everyone wanted to pass the time with his family . But there are also a number of nurses , who have children , who want to spend as much time with their children .
most cases , nurses are married , have a husband who is working on
Monday through Friday , even single mothers want to spend time with
small children . So the question is , can we meet the needs of these nurses ? Head of the hospital to ask , how can we help these women get what they want ? How can we help our nurses full time , to get what they want ?
solution is due to work on weekends generally considered overtime ,
they decided to make Saturday and Sunday to take turns on duty together
12 hours . And they paid for the nurse in charge on Saturday and Sunday . Thus, the nurse on duty on weekends was happy to get a reward. Meanwhile , the nurses who spend the weekend with his family too pleased .
It is a win- win . And hospitals and patients are also happy . That's good leadership .
message is , examine alternative solutions that you have, look at what
the problem is , and ask yourself, if the solution is the problem? Of the many stories , every problem has a solution . In fact , in every single issue , there are two solutions . As in the story above , overtime nurses , and nurses who are equally profitable holiday .
You need to know , as difficult as any problem , note the problem , ponder if you are having trouble . Sometimes you need someone to help you .Thank you for visiting.
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