Posted by Motivasi hidup
Saturday, 12 April 2014

How to exercise discipline in life? Leadership is the ability to persuade others to do what they want to do , because they want to do . ( DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER )
It's an honor for me to be able to know the general Colin Powell , and present in a question and answer session with him . And I 'm sure his comments worthy to note . Someone asks , " what you learned in the military ? General Colin Powell said , " that the first thing in the learn it is all that everyone has the same level .
things are in the learn it was , stood up straight and saluted , which
instill discipline and obedience , marching in step and serves as part
of a team . If there is breaking the rules then there will be rewards punishment , and if perform well , it will be honored .
he also pointed out , the basic training for beginners is very rough
physically , and make them appreciate their own bodies . General
Colin also observe exercises with heavy first week , and coach a
sergeant who is very demanding , so new most people hate it. However , it quickly faded hatred .
In the second week of practice week , new people in general will try hard to please the sergeant . This is a stunning , new for most people , the discipline is
interpreted as love and concern for them . , Which was a new experience
for them .. in fact , the discipline of love , just ask for your parents
Discipline is important for the individual and for the team . There is no unity which becomes a reliable combat forces without discipline , and no successful life without discipline . Criteria to become a successful soldier or civilian who became successful was the same . if we learn to function as a team member , we will do that after we control our lives and learning practice . If you doubt it , there is something you can do for your future .
an army psychiatrist to a new member , " what's the difference of a boy
with a dwarf ? ' Lot of difference , the new man in charge . "Can you give an example ? " Said the psychiatrist , " could dwarf that of a woman ," replied the new guy .
see also pizza hut story
out of the box
pursuit of happiness
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Failure is essential for success , to win , you have to feel defeat . This advice may sound a bit The date . But people who says this advice has been getting more than $ 300 million . In fact , in the days of the current economy , it is a nominal amount to very much . Here's the story .
In 1958 , Frank and Carney start selling pizza from the grocery store , owned by his family , to pay tuition fees . 19 years later , Frank and Carney , 3100 pizza hut shop sells at a price of $ 300 million . Frank
's advice , to those who are just starting a business , sounding a bit
lacking in understanding , but he explains the concept like this , "
Frank Carney , has made 50 types of different businesses , and 15 of
them were a success he achieved , it means success is 30 % .
purpose to be conveyed by Frank is , " you need to have to continue to
swing a punch if you want to successfully hit , and more importantly ,
stepped back into place if you blow missed your first position . Frank arney also said , pizza hut can be successful because he learned from his mistakes .
example , he never fails to establish a business in Oklahoma City ,
however , he is aware of the importance of a location and decor . He learned from this failure , so that a brighter future . And when sales slump in new york , he found an innovative idea to give a little thick outer layer and hard on the pizza .
the pizza shop has started a lot of the stand , Frank responded brand
merchandise by giving the title " Pizza Chicago -style " , and as a
result he returned success . In fact , Frank Carney often fail , but failures of all that, he turned into success . Failure is an experience that is experienced by everyone .
However , the fact is , not many of us who tend to learn from failure . The question is : are you going to let it bring you down or failure will propel you to success ? If you try to do as was done by Frank Carney , it can be sure you will definitely use your failure as a learning experience .
Advice from an expert in the field of investment , " send $ 10 to me every day , then I'll tell you how I became rich . then
you will give him $ 10 , and you will be sent a letter that read, "
Thank you , I become rich , thanks to people like you . "
see also how to resolve contention in the household
tips to better longevity
uncle with no name
Which reached a record peak?
how to deal with disaster
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Which reached a record peak? Success
is not measured by what has been achieved by someone , but the opposition has been encountered by him , and courage to face all the hurdles . ( ORRISON SWEET Marden )
In 1954 , Roger Banister ran cover 1 mile in less than 4 minutes , and it made his name famous in the world of athletics . In 1994 , Eamonn Coghlan from Ireland , at the age of 41 years , run cover 1 mile in under 4 minutes . It's incredible , Kip Keino from Ethiopia , at the age of 55 years on the run taking 4.06 minutes .
1954 , more than 50 medical journals have published articles saying
that a distance of 1 mile achievement it is not humanly possible to be
done . Doctors warn the athletes will be great rewards , for anyone who broke the record for " the unresolved '. Meanwhile , all coaches around the world , with a gauge in his hand , encouraging their students to do their best . But , they forget about what it is their goal , which is to solve " record " unsolved " it . However , Roger Banister , was able to break the record and change the thinking that with his performance .
He refused to believe in what others say , because he does not want to limit their own potential . The principle is proved , there are constraints on the nature of the psychological , not physiological . In the magazine Runner ' s World in 1994 , Doctor. Jerry lynch said ,
that when you believe and think you are capable of , then you turn on
motivation , commitment , confidence , concentration all of which are
directly related to achievement .
Doctor. Lynch
also said , a private path to perfection , many obstacles , your
personal belief is that you can not develop your full potential without
encountering various obstacles along your struggle . And he also said that , you may not use your abilities to the utmost without encountering severe experiences .
need to know that , defeat and failure is a learning experience that
can be received , which can help improve your performance . It also involves in various aspects of life . Humans can grow stronger physically , mentally and spiritually when tested by rejection , failure , or opposition .
see also uncle with no name
how to resolve contention in household
pizza hut ztory, Dan and frank carney
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
there is a will , there is a way , mountain peaks can be an
inspiration for leaders , but valleys that would make them well
established . ( J. Phiip Everson )
Williams " Bill " ross , totally different from most people , he was
known for his sense of humor and spirit , she has a deep love of life,
medicine , and concern for his patients . Doctor Ron of parkland , said if there was one patient who died or sick , she was sad . However, if there are patients who recovered it fun.
He was chosen as president of the texas medical association in 1981 , and he received numerous awards and recognition . He has a degree from the university steven F.austin . and advanced finance college by selling watermelons in texas southwestern medical university , in dallas . He is carrying out his work at parkland memorial hospital , and moved to san benito , texas .
When he arrived , the doctor ross , got the information , that there is no place for doctors . However , he did not ignore that information and never retreat . He then built a practice in a way that is simple yet very effective . If he visited a patient , he deliberately headed the wrong house , adjacent to the patient , and then introduces himself .
They tell you the correct address , and once again he repeated the process on the other side of the house . after three months , busy practice . Doctor Ross , helped build the university of Texas Southwestern
Medical School , in Dallas , became an important training ground for
family doctors .
However , he was recalled for his first day at work . He came to the school , wearing clothes and driving his pickup builders . Those moments , he said that the incident as two cultures collide . However , behind the humorous nature , there is a sharp mind and
commitment to medicine , which the pack in concern for others , which
made his name known in the medical world . if in thinking , actions in doing it , is definitely beneficial for anyone , and any profession .
see also : hidden beauty in yourself
pursuit of happiness
out of the box
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Monday, 7 April 2014

How to Save on the cost of hospital care, Take
more than you should , give more than you should , try harder than you
want , Aim higher than you thought possible , and prayed a lot of
gratitude to God for all health , family , and friends you have. ( ART Linkletter )
According to newspaper articles at this time , there are new ways unexpected ways to save costs of hospital care . how, there is a hospital that can save a lot of maintenance costs by hiring a pastor in the patient 's health care team . The
doctors and nurses at the hospital , feeling surprisingly , it turns
out they begin to realize that the spiritual well-being is important in
healing . Pastor George frank , is director of nursing pastor at Victory
Memorial Hospital in Waukegan , Illinois , said " I think , you can not
separate the physical with the emotional and spiritual .
Every human being has a soul intact . You may not treat the human body without any spiritual or emotional impact . We
all know that philosophically , the skeptic may not agree with this
idea , but here I do not discuss philosophical philosophical . Here I talk about the facts . Facts
like these are " from 1991 to 1993 , Elizabeth McSherry doctors studied
seven hundred patients with the coroner who were hospitalized in
Brockton or west Roxbury , Virginia , . Center . Doctors McSherry is deputy director of a program for a hospital for
veterans administration working to help physicians in controlling costs
and improving quality .
The group studied a very expensive procedure , and complex as heart bypass surgery , valve replacement and open heart surgery . Also included in the study were veterans undergoing treatment for a heart attack and chronic heart disease . Every day a group of patients at visit by clergy . Another group of patients , met with a pastor for three minutes , in a period of hospitalization . The
study found that patients most often associated with the priests , out
of the hospital , an average of two days earlier than in patients who
did not visit on a regular basis . Doctors McSherry estimates , the cost of the visit the minister is not more than $ 100 per patient . However , thrifty by allowing the patient to go home early .
Group of patients visited by the pastor also had complications established after surgery . It sounds , this way is more logical , in our health care savings . This method can also be applied in the aspects of our daily lives . Whereas
, if you experience a disaster , accident , or failure , it's not one
you or any other person , but all of it is destiny from God . Therefore, when you did something , remember all that life would surely die . We belong to God , and to God we shall return . Restore everything to God by praying and shelter him . amen
see also : hidden beauty in yourself
pursuit of happiness
out of the box
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Warm heart rarely produces a hot head
Good night all . how are you all tonight ? Hope you all are healthy and happy . For those of you whose heart is not feeling , I pray may God bless you all . amen . let the post title tonight about the dangers of a gossip .
Gossip was really painful , you 'll often hear a joke about a gossip . Like the two men who were talking , and one says , " there's nothing more I can tell . Just tell me what I already rely more on what I hear " . In this sentence , there is an element of a gossip , which can , in fact has often destroy a person's reputation .Gossip is always destructive relationship , especially with someone you gossiping . For
example , when you say something that is not good about a person , you
will feel comfortable around her , and your relationship will be
affected with it . Dr. . Adrian Rogers , wisely suggests that before you say something about
any information that might be considered gossip , you have to ponder
these questions carefully .First , whether the information was true ? If it is true , then you do not need to continue .Second , even if it is true , do you really need to tell ? Is there any benefit to others ? whether there are people who will be hurt by this information ? Does not need to be better at talking about? Where a is the information that you have no benefit for others , and it will only hurt for others . then , what motive you tell ?Third , do it for you if you tell it ? in today's world , filled with cynicism and skepticism , whether this is good information to tell ? Should not need to talk about? If you are aware of this kind . Chances are, your status will be diminished as builders of society gossip .
You will find that , to stop the spread of gossip was very beneficial .The benefits of stopping gossip is :You do not destroy your own good name . That is , reputation and self-esteem you are not beyond reproach . You do not damage the good name and reputation of others. it means your friends will be more and more . Since most of us are always in need of a friend .Thank you for visiting.
see also : hidden beauty in yourself
pursuit of happiness
believe in yourself
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Saturday, 5 April 2014

Great fear will always be defeated by a great faith As one who like to play golf , I often notice and are confused because of the act of the less skilled golfers . He
stepped into place and hit with a golf club in his hand , he actually
take a running start , imagine his swing , and hit the ball ,
approximately 210 yards to the right and 40 yards . Where the blow landed in the middle of the trees .
was on foot or driving a vehicle on the golf course towards the ball ,
looked into the open area of 6 feet , and decided to hit the ball
reaches the hole . He hit the ball 175 yards down the clearing, past the lake and approached the hole .
From the above experience , allow me to remind you of this scenario . When the ball position is perfect , he can not swing a good punch . To punch the second , he thought he could hit the ball like a professional golfer . With confidence that it is generally not appropriate , he square off , swinging punches , and the ball goes into the lake . With rage , he then hit the ball to land in the sand .
He managed to land the ball near the hole . Overall it was because he was a poor follow up punches with bad decisions , so he had to pay the expensive decision .
message contained in the above story is , if you are too often " bad
blow " in this case , " bad blow " if in associate with real life in
achieving such a success is to make a mistake . Then you overwhelm " bad blow " it by denying , defending himself ,
lie , or make excuses , rather than silence and meditate on , admit
mistakes , and try to fix it in a way that is logical and precise .
Unique and interesting facts in the world . " When the stock market slumped , you still get the money broker
and brokerage firm you still get the money , and two of the three are
related not afford to lose .
few posts today , may be useful for all of us , hopefully giving us the
motivation and inspiration to continue to do our best .
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