Posted by Motivasi hidup
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Great fear will always be defeated by a great faith As one who like to play golf , I often notice and are confused because of the act of the less skilled golfers . He
stepped into place and hit with a golf club in his hand , he actually
take a running start , imagine his swing , and hit the ball ,
approximately 210 yards to the right and 40 yards . Where the blow landed in the middle of the trees .
was on foot or driving a vehicle on the golf course towards the ball ,
looked into the open area of 6 feet , and decided to hit the ball
reaches the hole . He hit the ball 175 yards down the clearing, past the lake and approached the hole .
From the above experience , allow me to remind you of this scenario . When the ball position is perfect , he can not swing a good punch . To punch the second , he thought he could hit the ball like a professional golfer . With confidence that it is generally not appropriate , he square off , swinging punches , and the ball goes into the lake . With rage , he then hit the ball to land in the sand .
He managed to land the ball near the hole . Overall it was because he was a poor follow up punches with bad decisions , so he had to pay the expensive decision .
message contained in the above story is , if you are too often " bad
blow " in this case , " bad blow " if in associate with real life in
achieving such a success is to make a mistake . Then you overwhelm " bad blow " it by denying , defending himself ,
lie , or make excuses , rather than silence and meditate on , admit
mistakes , and try to fix it in a way that is logical and precise .
Unique and interesting facts in the world . " When the stock market slumped , you still get the money broker
and brokerage firm you still get the money , and two of the three are
related not afford to lose .
few posts today , may be useful for all of us , hopefully giving us the
motivation and inspiration to continue to do our best .
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human brain is not the most important , but rather to guide him , the
character , the heart , generous qualities and progressive ideas . ( Fyodor Dostoevsky )
Many people who set low expectations and capabilities . In , the process , they put themselves in a " box " . Alexander Whortley step further and literally live in a box , which houses a mini car , which measures 3x4x5 feet . He lived there until his death at the age of 80 years . The box is made of wood , metal roofs , and he lived in and their belongings .
Regardless of where he works , whortley prefer to live in a space that 's pinchers . Although there is a greater place to live and more comfortable . Rarely of us who want to live in a " box " . However
, most of us who tend to live with self- squaring , and continue to do
so in a way , because " of the first well we do it that way " . In many cases , time and experience have proven that " this way " is the best way .
However , I challenge you to periodically walk far enough or sit quietly thinking about how you do things . Ask yourself , if there is no better way . Can the procedures you can use simplified ? Is everything can be done more easily and more efficiently ? Is your product could be longer ? Shorter ? Or different from the others ? Sometimes you can get simple ideas that can make a big difference .
coincidence , one of the advantages of living way which covers personal
growth and continuing education is much broader and your knowledge ,
the more creative your approach in solving the problems of life . simple
example : for years , the man has a coat pocket pouch , on the inside
of his right course , which is useful for storing pens or other items . One
day , someone was inspired because most men are right-handed , why not
put a pocket on the left inside, so that they can reach it , take his
pen with his right hand , and direct writing ? It is not extraordinary , but most do not . , Can save you time , and ultimately this idea sold.
In years when the election is held , do not be surprised , if the air is filled with speeches . But instead, the speeches filled with empty air ( political speechwriter : JOSEPH NOLAN )
see also : changes is good for you
uncle no name
roads that have heart
believe in yourself
what can be given to happiness
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Friday, 4 April 2014
We got the happiness of the people close to us , and we can grow with people who are not too close to usIn today's world full of people and companies change , peace work as an employee or employees are not guaranteed anymore . While you have to face the fact that you have to make a change . You should also be aware that many positive changes and provide benefits to individuals and businesses .
There are things that you can change and some things you can not change . For example , the things you can not change , your birth or by who gave birth to you . And
in fact , if you are born a person who is white , then you will forever
remain white , and if you are born a person who is black , then you
will forever remain black . And you also can not change things that have already happened . You can not change a whisper in the day yesterday . However , you can change your future by changing your way of thinking . If you've got altering these days , then you can change your life and
your livelihood to make tomorrow a better and more meaningful .Example : as a high school student in yazoo city , in Mississippi , table tennis is one of my favorite sports . To be honest , I can beat most of my friends . Then , on a day when a new student , who always beat me . I used to use the handle " three finger " , to beat my friends . While my enemies or new students , using force grip " handshake " , which is a new style . With the style of " three fingers " , I felt it was a good fight with and play with a vengeance . Then , I decided to change my grip style , was the result initially embarrassing , my friends can beat me easily . However , after two weeks I train the new style , I started to get used to using it . And finally I can beat the " new student " is. I argue that , I probably would not beat him if I do not change my grip style . Although at first I was a very bad game .
Message , analyze your situation , have you sought the maximum , and if you have done better with the current procedure ? If it is , do not be afraid to take two steps back , if you can finally drove three steps .Said a boss when to fire employees , " behold the bright side , you always said you wanted to be an entrepreneur " .
( By : Zig Ziglar )
see also out of the box
gossip is really hurts
uncle with no name
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Thursday, 3 April 2014
You achieve customer satisfaction while selling items that are not returned to a customer who returned to you . ( STANLEY MARCUS )
name is wally amos , he built a business with a capital of $ 100
million , " famous amos cookie is " , the name of the business which he
built . From a series of unfavorable , he lost his business , fame and fortune , he fell in with a $ 1 million debt . Worse yet , he loses his right to use his business with a name that makes it famous .
But he did not lose the things that make it a success from the start . He maintained his sense of humor and a flexible attitude , optimistic and confident . as in thought , he got up and be successful . He
built a new business with the name " wally amos cookies chip'n present "
people magazine article writing and designing a Fitz & Floyd cookie
jar chip'n JC penny dolls marketed chip'n cookies , and everyone was pleased with the return of the father of amos . Everyone , except the new owner " famous amos " . As a result , there was a court action , and once again amos father lost his business .
Wally said , he became famous and rich , and have to pay for it . Right now he is on tour to promote his new book , "man with no name " is getting overwhelming response . He also returned to the cake business , . And the name of his new company " uncle no name ' . And once again , he got up from failure and success are much greater than before . It has been very clear that he is a good example of someone who in the drop but not faint .
He fight with persistence and tenacity are the same as those in the show it on the first attempt . And as suspected , he again managed to build his business . Everyone knows that the host wally amos is a classic example of never giving up . With her confidence and perseverance he always got up .
There is an old expression " a person who does not want on the beat may not defeated " . " The only people who can not be defeated by failures are people who never gave up " . And this statement is actually proved by " uncle with no name ' .
Hopefully this article gives you the motivation and inspiration to keep trying , to rise from failure , and do not despair . Thank you for visiting.
see also : changes is good for you
out of the box
gossip is really hurts
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the same way , everything is not taking me anywhere in my life , I can
say that I have to wade through long walks but I do not find it to be
anywhere . Does this path have a heart ? If " yes " then this is a good way , anyway if " no " then the path is not useful . Both roads were not guide you anywhere , but that one had the heart while others do not . One way to give you an enjoyable trip for you to follow that path , as long as you become one with it . While others will make you cursing your life . ( The quotation from the teaching of Don Juan, a Yaqui of knowledge . By Carlos Castaneda )
As for the message you want to convey in the above quote is from , you all have a path that suits your soul . To find out if you search path is the right path , ask yourself . If you feel your life and needs are met , then you can be sure that the path you are on the right track .
However , if your heart is empty , hungry , and in conflict , look deeper into that soul you 're trying to say something . So
many people who feel well-established in a way that does not have a
heart that seems reasonable , but in fact it is not a natural way . Others may try to convince you that you are the person who is impossible to live your dreams .
It 's not impossible , in fact , the satisfaction of the soul is the only target that will bring true happiness . And that is the goal of every person . Never give up in following your truth . Do not compromise on things that you know as the real thing . When you accept that you are living in this world to feel happy then your life will change and your heart will be fulfilled . Then , when you get to the end of the trip , you will definitely say " good job " .Life is a long journey that must be passed every human being , every life . Your life will give you two roads, good and bad . And only you can decide which path to take . Thank you for visiting
see also : uncle with " no name "
how to resolve contention in household
wisdom of the heart
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
this time you 're dealing with a possibility of greatness , but you do
not realize it because your attention is distracted by thoughts about
the limitations . Your friends , colleagues , or family members may have a life full
of talent and the Arm various exceptional ability , but if you pay more
attention to their shortcomings , then the beauty they possess will shy
away from you .
Then , you will always wonder why people are so disappointing , and why your life is always disappointing . Meanwhile , the wealth that you have not noticed and remain hidden . Sometimes, by chance you may find a great people , when their souls in a dismal state . When you look at them , you may not be able to think about them , about their bitter experiences .
, if you look carefully , you will definitely find the advantages that
they have, then you will see them through the eyes of God , that every
human being has created a shortage and also the advantages that are not
owned by the other man . When you love and believe in someone ( including yourself ) . Then you will pull out of his prowess .
Look at your loved ones with a higher vision , then they will fulfill that vision . Give them a reputation , so that they can make as a standard of living . Do not ever give up on a person or a business . Because there is no single thing that lived , unless you admit it will fail .
There is a glimmer of hope in every case , if you've got to believe it then you can evoke a sense of despair pad every person . You and all the people in the premises god made lots of
advantages and disadvantages , if you've realized it , of course you and
everyone you meet will share and help each other with each other ..
Excess you far more compared with your shortcomings . You
can remove all those advantages by focusing your attention on your
strengths , your spirit or positive thoughts , not on your weaknesses . Stop remembering your mistakes , and achieve your goals . God will never give up on yourself , God will always pay attention to every prayer , hope and effort that you seek . God saw you in accordance with your expectations , and not as you fear . When it comes time , you find what you are looking for .
Expand the same confidence to the people that you meet , start with yourself , then success will find you. Continue to move forward , to achieve the future , believe in your ability , believe in yourself . Keep trying , pray , be patient , and persevering . Good luck
see also how to make dream comes true
how to seeking and finding of love
wisdom of the heart
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
No heaven can come to you if your heart is not able to find peace today . Take heaven . There is no peace in the future is hidden at the time and today . Then take the peace . Life is very generous giver . But you are rewarded by living only from the outside . Divert your eyes from the outside , then you will get the beauty of life with love , peace and full policy .
Life is so full of meaning and purpose , so full of beauty , . Therefore , having the courage to get it , only that , but you have
the courage and the knowledge that we are all living under the auspices
of the earth as a wanderer who walked across a foreign land .
Whenever you feel stuck in fear or confusion . Think of that when you feel fear or confusion that is interpretation , not fact . Arabs interpret , words used to express the " problem " is translated as " different views " .
If you are having problems , then you are in the draw to find another perspective to look at this issue . The problem , is not always hurt you , but if you look from the
other side , then you will consider it as a friend who will help you
towards the stage and mature adult .
an author , Richard Bach stated " there is no single thing that is a
problem without a gift for you . " When you discover and appreciate the
gift then the problem goes away . Every word , thought , or action that you generate will confirm either the problem or solution .
people defend limitation limitations because it offers security for
them , but ultimately they just kept letting themselves trapped in a
world that is small and painful . Make yourself as advisor for yourself . Do not ever get yourself cornered .
Hold your vision with powerful , then you will create your goals . And
when you are tempted to regard something as a " problem " , then the problems suppose that , as a project , a challenge or an opportunity . Next you 'll be on your way toward a solution .
You do more than you think . great love , open yourself and fill your soul . You are not alone , keep going, then you 'll be where you want .
see also : how to make dream comes true
wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love
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