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Posted by Motivasi hidup Thursday, 3 April 2014 0 komentar



You achieve customer satisfaction while selling items that are not returned to a customer who returned to you . ( STANLEY MARCUS )
His name is wally amos , he built a business with a capital of $ 100 million , " famous amos cookie is " , the name of the business which he built . From a series of unfavorable , he lost his business , fame and fortune , he fell in with a $ 1 million debt . Worse yet , he loses his right to use his business with a name that makes it famous .
But he did not lose the things that make it a success from the start . He maintained his sense of humor and a flexible attitude , optimistic and confident . as in thought , he got up and be successful . He built a new business with the name " wally amos cookies chip'n present " people magazine article writing and designing a Fitz & Floyd cookie jar chip'n JC penny dolls marketed chip'n cookies , and everyone was pleased with the return of the father of amos . Everyone , except the new owner " famous amos " . As a result , there was a court action , and once again amos father lost his business .
Wally said , he became famous and rich , and have to pay for it . Right now he is on tour to promote his new book , "man with no name " is getting overwhelming response . He also returned to the cake business , . And the name of his new company " uncle no name ' . And once again , he got up from failure and success are much greater than before . It has been very clear that he is a good example of someone who in the drop but not faint .
He fight with persistence and tenacity are the same as those in the show it on the first attempt . And as suspected , he again managed to build his business . Everyone knows that the host wally amos is a classic example of never giving up . With her ​​confidence and perseverance he always got up .
There is an old expression " a person who does not want on the beat may not defeated " . " The only people who can not be defeated by failures are people who never gave up " . And this statement is actually proved by " uncle with no name ' .
Hopefully this article gives you the motivation and inspiration to keep trying , to rise from failure , and do not despair . Thank you for visiting.

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Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
road that have the heart

All the same way , everything is not taking me anywhere in my life , I can say that I have to wade through long walks but I do not find it to be anywhere . Does this path have a heart ? If " yes " then this is a good way , anyway if " no " then the path is not useful . Both roads were not guide you anywhere , but that one had the heart while others do not . One way to give you an enjoyable trip for you to follow that path , as long as you become one with it . While others will make you cursing your life . ( The quotation from the teaching of Don Juan, a Yaqui of knowledge . By Carlos Castaneda )
As for the message you want to convey in the above quote is from , you all have a path that suits your soul . To find out if you search path is the right path , ask yourself . If you feel your life and needs are met , then you can be sure that the path you are on the right track .
However , if your heart is empty , hungry , and in conflict , look deeper into that soul you 're trying to say something . So many people who feel well-established in a way that does not have a heart that seems reasonable , but in fact it is not a natural way . Others may try to convince you that you are the person who is impossible to live your dreams .
It 's not impossible , in fact , the satisfaction of the soul is the only target that will bring true happiness . And that is the goal of every person . Never give up in following your truth . Do not compromise on things that you know as the real thing . When you accept that you are living in this world to feel happy then your life will change and your heart will be fulfilled .   Then , when you get to the end of the trip , you will definitely say " good job " .Life is a long journey that must be passed every human being , every life . Your life will give you two roads, good and bad . And only you can decide which path to take . Thank you for visiting

see also : uncle with " no name "
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wisdom of the heart

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believe in yourself

Posted by Motivasi hidup Wednesday, 2 April 2014 0 komentar
the path of succes

    At this time you 're dealing with a possibility of greatness , but you do not realize it because your attention is distracted by thoughts about the limitations . Your friends , colleagues , or family members may have a life full of talent and the Arm various exceptional ability , but if you pay more attention to their shortcomings , then the beauty they possess will shy away from you .
Then , you will always wonder why people are so disappointing , and why your life is always disappointing . Meanwhile , the wealth that you have not noticed and remain hidden . Sometimes, by chance you may find a great people , when their souls in a dismal state . When you look at them , you may not be able to think about them , about their bitter experiences .
However , if you look carefully , you will definitely find the advantages that they have, then you will see them through the eyes of God , that every human being has created a shortage and also the advantages that are not owned by the other man . When you love and believe in someone ( including yourself ) . Then you will pull out of his prowess .
Look at your loved ones with a higher vision , then they will fulfill that vision . Give them a reputation , so that they can make as a standard of living . Do not ever give up on a person or a business . Because there is no single thing that lived , unless you admit it will fail .
There is a glimmer of hope in every case , if you've got to believe it then you can evoke a sense of despair pad every person . You and all the people in the premises god made ​​lots of advantages and disadvantages , if you've realized it , of course you and everyone you meet will share and help each other with each other ..
  Excess you far more compared with your shortcomings . You can remove all those advantages by focusing your attention on your strengths , your spirit or positive thoughts , not on your weaknesses . Stop remembering your mistakes , and achieve your goals .    God will never give up on yourself , God will always pay attention to every prayer , hope and effort that you seek . God saw you in accordance with your expectations , and not as you fear . When it comes time , you find what you are looking for .
Expand the same confidence to the people that you meet , start with yourself , then success will find you. Continue to move forward , to achieve the future , believe in your ability , believe in yourself . Keep trying , pray , be patient , and persevering . Good luck

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 how to seeking and finding of love
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Posted by Motivasi hidup Tuesday, 1 April 2014 0 komentar


No heaven can come to you if your heart is not able to find peace today . Take heaven . There is no peace in the future is hidden at the time and today . Then take the peace . Life is very generous giver . But you are rewarded by living only from the outside . Divert your eyes from the outside , then you will get the beauty of life with love , peace and full policy .
Life is so full of meaning and purpose , so full of beauty , . Therefore , having the courage to get it , only that , but you have the courage and the knowledge that we are all living under the auspices of the earth as a wanderer who walked across a foreign land .
Whenever you feel stuck in fear or confusion . Think of that when you feel fear or confusion that is interpretation , not fact . Arabs interpret , words used to express the " problem " is translated as " different views " .
If you are having problems , then you are in the draw to find another perspective to look at this issue . The problem , is not always hurt you , but if you look from the other side , then you will consider it as a friend who will help you towards the stage and mature adult .
As an author , Richard Bach stated " there is no single thing that is a problem without a gift for you . " When you discover and appreciate the gift then the problem goes away . Every word , thought , or action that you generate will confirm either the problem or solution .
Many people defend limitation limitations because it offers security for them , but ultimately they just kept letting themselves trapped in a world that is small and painful . Make yourself as advisor for yourself . Do not ever get yourself cornered .
Hold your vision with powerful , then you will create your goals . And when you are tempted to regard something as a " problem " , then the problems suppose that , as a project , a challenge or an opportunity . Next you 'll be on your way toward a solution .
You do more than you think . great love , open yourself and fill your soul . You are not alone , keep going, then you 'll be where you want .

see also : how to make dream comes true
wisdom of the heart
how to seeking and finding of love

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persuit of happiness

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
pursuit to happiness

  Pursuit of happiness,
Beauty life has to sell , all beautiful and amazing, blue waves whitened on a cliff . Fire is pushed upward while twisting and singing . And the faces of the kids who looked up clutching wonders like trophies . Beauty life has to be sold , a similar music engraving gold , fragrant pine trees during rain , the pair who love you , arms that hug , and for the souls who feel happy , holy thoughts that become the stars at night . Spend all you have for beauty , buy beauty it and never count the cost , because one white singing hour of peace , involves a lot of things in a year . The struggle really gone , and since the peak of satisfaction breath give you everything you live for this . ( Batter , by Sarah Teasdale )
What would you give happiness ? Your money ? Your possessions ? Or your career ? You can not buy happiness did not matter because ultimately save the highest value in life , while building relationships that are holding value . And the relationship is not built on what you earn , but based on what berries.
The only way to get happiness is by giving one thing , your whole heart . What your heart contains cheerful ? Never again deny the call of your heart . When you get a person , place of residence , career , or life path that you love then give yourself fully to it . Provide a sense of love , faith and commitment and not burden you at all and instead give you everything .
You can have it all , the universe has the ability to respond to your request . To receive a blessing , you must be willing to invest in the blessing . Your greatest investment is your own self . If you take part in one thing then participate in total .
Do it as a whole or not at all . Action is important , but the spirit is more important because it will determine the quality of your actions . You have access to unlimited resources and many surprises that await you . Bring your dreams in real life by being true to the dream .
In conclusion , so that happiness is everywhere , and easily obtained as easy as you think about it . Happiness does not come from possessions you collect , do not come from your office , or from the people you love . But the happiness that comes from your mind . Positive thoughts come to bring happiness , whereas negative thoughts come to grief . And happiness that you can not buy at a price , you can be happy if you think for a happy ,
Thank you for visiting , may god bless happiness to your life . amen

see also how to make dream comes true
wisdom of the heart 
how to seeking and finding of love 

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how to learning with nature

Posted by Motivasi hidup Monday, 31 March 2014 0 komentar
how to learning with nature
save our world's
Our relationship with the earth as real as our relationships with one another. In fact in some ways our relationship with the earth is much deeper . Our planet is the source of all wealth and life for the survival of all living things . Earth is not a commodity to be exploited , but a living breathing thing and throbbing , in a land that is full of energy activity .
World origin of life , is much more sensitive to our treatment of him . More sensitive than in imagined by most people , and even much easier back cheerful and happy . You can learn all the lessons of life that you need just by observing nature . For thousands of years , indigenous people , living in line with the spirit that inhabited the land , their honor , and do not take more than what they need .
And they fought to restore the land of wealth in return . When our culture has eliminated much of our relationship with the natural life . So we we so excluded from ourselves. To restore the power of ourselves , then we have to approach our environment with more respect and appreciate .
Pray for the earth , as you pray for the brothers that you love . Imagine on a light in your heart that extends to embrace the whole universe . Imagine the universe as it is used in its natural pristine condition , that was full of life and a variety of herbs , rich , green and leafy .
Keep in your mind a picture of air and water is clear and clean , with people from diverse cultures and live in harmony with the various forms of life . Our world will change shape in response to our appreciation . we have to appreciate the beauty of nature wherever we meet . Because we are created by God with a variety of advantages that we can live on this earth .
Let us open our hearts together to get where we are right back in the big network 's creation of the universe . When we love and cherish this planet , then we will heal ourselves as we heal our world .Take care of nature around us , because our lives depend on the universe , and take care of our life , because the life of the universe depends on us ...

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look into your consciousness

Posted by Motivasi hidup Sunday, 30 March 2014 0 komentar

look into your consciousness

Look into your consciousness, when you copy an image for a few years , then the image will change to the point where the image has little relationship to the original and can not recognize anymore . In the same way you can not build a relationship with both hands because of the power of your god actually exists in direct relationship with its power of god .
If you seek to know God through the interpretations of many people who came before you , then you ended up just going to find out other people 's perceptions are often tainted by fear and guilt , and is not at all an expression of love .
If you depend on others to define god for you or dictate your path toward peace , then you will be confused and your relationship with God will be less deep . Get rid of everything that people ever say to you about God , the truth and the life all the same , and develop your own understanding and relationship .
All that there once was now in front of you and invite you to find out by way of your own . Forget what you 've been taught to you , so that you can remember what you know .
Once, " a man came to the Buddha and asked , " Do you rabbi ? "
' Not " replied the Buddha . " Then , are you a saint ? "" Not "" Then , are you a teacher ? " " Not " replied the Buddha again . " Then , who are you really? "" I was the one who realized " replied the Buddha .
We tend to fit the people into various categories . However , because we are spiritual beings having a belief in a god , any category that we can match it to ourselves or others will just make ourselves seem smaller than it is .
The wise men are full of love and have a good relationship with religion is no different than all of us, it's just that they remember their identity . Any enlightened teacher will tell you that all of the best is what they are, so also it is with you .
Respect their position but without having to sacrifice your own position and respect them together as you respect yourself and as you want in respect to others . do not consider that the famous figures flattered that you praised , praise - praise or admire excessively , until you worship and forget your consciousness .
But suppose them as role models to imitate or as a means to motivate your life . Then , when you promote your strengths , then you do not stand up under you as a student or subordinate , but as a colleague . The goal of all religious teaching is evocative of consciousness . Remember your true self then you will blend with your teacher .Thank you for visiting. may god always bless you , may your faith give you strength in defense of the great god . May the gods give you instructions to always do good deeds to anyone , anytime , and anywhere . amen

see also how to make dream comes true 
wisdom of the heart 
how to be merciful 

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