Winners don't do things differently, they just do them differently.
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ٱلسـلام عليكم ورحمة ٱلله وبركاته
This is strange. But it's true and happens a lot. Lessons for husbands (including me personally). I see repeatedly... that one of the things a husband is often not ready to face is: Have a Good Wife.
But when you actually have something like this... it turns out that many husbands are not ready to accompany them.
His wife likes going to the Koran and rather likes it. I don't even want to hang out. His wife loves giving alms, she grumbles.
In fact, sometimes alms use the wife's own assets. The wife thinks that alms is the opening of the door to fortune. Meanwhile, her husband thought, "don't do too much... then we'll have problems ourselves." When his wife is happy to remind him of goodness.
Her husband said, "it's noisy... I know that too." When his wife wanted to encourage him to focus on preparing for the affairs of the afterlife.
The husband still measures everything in terms of profit and loss in world matters. When the wife is patient and obedient and stays at home to take care of herself, it is sometimes considered a loophole that can be exploited to try to mischievously play with other women.
Seeing the phenomenon above, I tried to find out why that is...? It turns out... maybe because the man's ego is very high. He doesn't want his wife to be smarter and more powerful than him.
He wanted to, if possible, be the one to know first. He was the good one first. If possible, he is the most pious and pious person in the house. Don't do anything else first.
But unfortunately, busy earning a living often means he doesn't have time to study. I don't have time to read the Koran and increase my knowledge.
And without realizing it ended up being left behind. He wanted to... but couldn't. So wives... if you have studied, don't show it as if you are smarter than your husband. Wallahu a'lam
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