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Posted by Motivasi hidup Thursday, 18 April 2024 0 komentar

 ٱلسـلام عليكم ورحمة ٱلله وبركاته


 This is strange. But it's true and happens a lot. Lessons for husbands (including me personally). I see repeatedly... that one of the things a husband is often not ready to face is: Have a Good Wife.


 Eh, isn't that a good wife's dream? That's right. If we talk about wishful thinking, everyone will agree. And if we talk about theory, how many men want to have a pious wife, perfect, good inside and out.

      But when you actually have something like this... it turns out that many husbands are not ready to accompany them. 

    His wife likes going to the Koran and rather likes it. I don't even want to hang out. His wife loves giving alms, she grumbles. 

    In fact, sometimes alms use the wife's own assets. The wife thinks that alms is the opening of the door to fortune. Meanwhile, her husband thought, "don't do too much... then we'll have problems ourselves." When his wife is happy to remind him of goodness. 

    Her husband said, "it's noisy... I know that too." When his wife wanted to encourage him to focus on preparing for the affairs of the afterlife. 

    The husband still measures everything in terms of profit and loss in world matters. When the wife is patient and obedient and stays at home to take care of herself, it is sometimes considered a loophole that can be exploited to try to mischievously play with other women.

     Seeing the phenomenon above, I tried to find out why that is...? It turns out... maybe because the man's ego is very high. He doesn't want his wife to be smarter and more powerful than him.

     He wanted to, if possible, be the one to know first. He was the good one first. If possible, he is the most pious and pious person in the house. Don't do anything else first. 

    But unfortunately, busy earning a living often means he doesn't have time to study. I don't have time to read the Koran and increase my knowledge.

     And without realizing it ended up being left behind. He wanted to... but couldn't. So wives... if you have studied, don't show it as if you are smarter than your husband. Wallahu a'lam

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Don't be sad and despair

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar



Don't be sad and despair over the problems that befall us, because that could be God's way of erasing our sins and elevating our status. 

From Abu Sa'id and Abu Hurairah, they heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam say, مَا يُصِيبُ الْمُؤْمِنَ مِنْ وَصَبٍ وَلاَ نَصَبٍ وَلاَ سَقَita ْ سَيِّئَاتِهِ

 "A believer will not be hit by a disaster in the form of pain (which will not heal), fatigue, pain, sadness, and worry that hit him but his sins will be forgiven" (HR. Muslim no. 2573).

 From Mu'awiyah, he said that he heard the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, مَا مِنْ شَىْءٍ يُصِيبُ الْمُؤْمِنَ فِى جَسَدِهِ يُؤْذِيهِ إِلاَّ كَفَّرَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ بِهِ مِنْ سَيِّئَاتِه "It is not a misfortune that befalls the body of a believer and it hurts him but it will wash away his sins" (HR. Ahmad 4: 98. Shaykh Syu'aib Al Arnauth said that his sanad is authentic according to Muslim requirements) 

There is always wisdom behind life's trials that befall us, so a Muslim should remain patient and be kind to Allah subhanallahu wa ta'ala.

 Hopefully, for whatever misfortune we receive, Allah will forgive our sins, multiply our rewards and provide a way out of every problem we face. Amen!

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multiple intelligences

Posted by Motivasi hidup Wednesday, 10 May 2023 0 komentar
Multiple Intelligences (Multiple Intelligences) There used to be a high school friend who always kicked my chair, asking for answers during exams. Now he is a cop. There is also a friend who is ranked below me, is now a high-ranking official in the Air Force. Since high school, he always wears army shoes. On the other hand, there are also stories of people who did very well at school, but had a hard time getting a job. In the past, a person's intelligence and success were measured by his IQ. Students who have a high IQ are believed to be intelligent children, while those a low IQ are automatically labeled stupid. In fact, many people who are labeled as not smart are even more successful in their careers and professions, beating their friends with higher IQs. In 1983 Howard Gardner, a professor of psychology, wrote the book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. I bought the book 15 years ago. He stated that intelligence is not a single ability but several intellectual abilities that are relatively unrelated to one another. According to him there are several types of intelligence: • good at using body parts. Athletes, dancers, actors, police, soldiers, surgeons and craftsmen tend to have high abilities in this type of intelligence. They like to draw, play jigsaw puzzles, read maps. So it reminds me of my students in class who are always sleepy but sometimes noisy. I told him to walk around the class (move) during the lesson. He really likes it. He can't study if he just sits still. Because most boys are kinesthetic learners. Teaching in a male class Vocational High School all really has to be creative.Once upon a time many children were late. I asked, “Do you want the consequences to read or run? In unison they replied, "Runiii...." And...they ran around the field with joy. Funny? Annoyed but wanted to laugh. I never get angry even if they make mistakes. There is a reason behind their behavior that must be understood. To calm children like this, sometimes I invite them to meditate for a while in class to calm themselves down, accompanied by soothing music. They really like it. • Interpersonal intelligence This intelligence is followed by the ability to recognize other people's personalities: intentions, feelings, moods, temperaments and motivations. They learn more effectively through group activities, seminars, and dialogues. They are suitable as salespeople, teachers, community leaders, managers, social workers, counselors or politicians. • Intrapersonal intelligence, This type of child has the ability to understand himself. People who have high intrapersonal intelligence are able to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, what makes them unique, and are able to predict their own reactions or emotions. They are suitable to be psychologists, BK teachers etc. • Naturalist intelligence This intelligence is followed by the ability to recognize and classify various species, both flora and fauna, rocks, types of mountains that exist in their environment. This ability is needed among botanists, chefs, farmers, nutritionists etc. Everyone has a different combination of intelligence from each other. However, in reality, parents and teachers have not maximized these types of intelligence. The formal education system seems to still generalize intelligence. Not a few special children fall victim to the school system that only measures language intelligence and mathematical logic. Kinesthetic children will certainly find it difficult to sit still and listen to the teacher. Musical kids will have a hard time understanding numbers. Mathematical children will have difficulty in painting lessons, and so on. It's like having fish, birds and monkeys climb a tree. The one who succeeded in being given the title of 'great' was of course the monkey. The others wouldn't bring out the ability to climb, because that wasn't really his type of intelligence. On the other hand, if the monkey is tested to swim, it will certainly not pass. If a child excels in language, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence, but is very weak in musical, spatial, kinesthetic, and mathematical logic, he or she may not have outstanding marks in report cards. In fact, this combination of intelligence can actually be very successful in areas that were unthinkable during school, such as in sales or business. Gardner's theory invites educators and parents to pay more attention to children according to their unique advantages. No more stupid children, for those who are weak in one or two types of intelligence may be very special in types.The story of Michael Ifianto, an industrial designer, can be used as an example. When he was at school, he was not even promoted by his teacher. He had to change schools. The BP teacher asked him to focus on passing only, no need to chase grades. He can focus on his hobby of drawing. After graduating from high school, he studied S1 majoring in Visual Communication Design (DKV), and S2 in Italy. He got a lot of job offers from international companies. Now he is a lecturer and has his own industrial design business in Surabaya. Intelligence test is not everything. IQ tests and multiple intelligence tests, are not the sole determinant of how a person's future and success will be. There are many variables that determine success, such as hard skills (skills) and soft skills (morals, ethics, communication, leadership, persistence, problem solving, self-confidence), opportunities, a supportive environment, etc. Parents and educators must understand the child's intelligence, give him the opportunity to develop this type of intelligence and of course create a supportive environment for his success. There is no need to compare our children with other people's children. Just love the child as he is. Greetings Parenting. Parenting is loving. with love.

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Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 11 November 2022 0 komentar
An old man meets a young man who asks him: "Do you remember me?" And the old man said no. Then the young man told him that he was his student back then. And the teacher asked him: "What are you doing at the moment? what is your job at the moment?" The young man replied: "I am a teacher" "Good. Like me?", asked the old man. "That's right. Actually, I became a teacher because you inspired me to be like you." The old man was curious, then asked the young man what inspired him to become a teacher. And the young man told him the following story: "
" : "One day, a friend of mine, who is also a student, went to school with his beautiful new watch. I wanted to have it. So I decided to steal it. During recess, he forgot it and left it on the table for the time to go to the bathroom. I took it. Immediately after that, my friend realized that his watch had been stolen by someone. He also complained about the theft to our teacher. And that teacher was you. So, you talk to us in class: "Your friend's watch was stolen by one of you in this class. So whoever stole it, please return it". I didn't want to return it because I was embarrassed and afraid of being kicked out of school. Then, you closed the door and told us all to stand up. Then you started checking our pockets and school bags one by one to look for the watch. But, you told us to close our eyes, because you will only look for it if all students have their eyes closed. So, we did and you started going pocket to pocket one by one. When your hand reached my trouser pocket, you found the watch and took it. But you keep looking in the pockets of all the students in the room and when you're done, you say: "Open your eyes because I have found the watch". You didn't say anything to me and you never said who was the culprit who stole the watch. That day, you saved my dignity. It was the most embarrassing day of my life. But it was also the day my pride was saved and made aware not to be a thief, or a bad person. You never said anything to me nor did you scold me or be interested in teaching me a moral lesson. And I thank you. I understand that this is what a true educator should do. "Do you remember that incident?" And the teacher, the old man replied: "I remember the situation, the watch of one of my students was stolen, I searched for it in every pocket and school bag, but I don't remember you at all because I also closed my eyes while looking for the watch." The essence and fundamental thing of teaching is IF TO CORRECT AND FIX SOMEONE, YOU HAVE TO DROP OR HURT, THEN "YOU DON'T KNOW TEACHING".

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kisah gadis buta, pincang dan tuli

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 4 November 2022 0 komentar
Menikah Dengan Seorang Gadis yang Buta,Tuli, Bisu dan Lumpuh.

Pada zaman dahulu ada seorang pemuda pengembara bernama Ahmad. Ahmad adalah seorang pengembara yang soleh dan taat kepada Allah. Hutan, gunnung serta padang pasir telah dilalui dalam pengembaraannya.

Suatu ketika disaat Ahmad sedang menyusuri sebuah sungai. Dia merasa dahaga yang tiada terhingga, karena hari memang sangat panas sekali. Ahmad pun kemudian berhenti dipinggir sungai untuk minum dan mencuci mukanya.

“Alhamdulillah….. terimakasih ya Allah, engkau telah memberikan keselamatan kepadaku dengan air sungai ini”. Tiba-tiba Ahmad melihat sesuatu mengapung-apung disungai menuju kearahnya. Tanpa berfikir panjang Ahmad pun kemudian mencebur dan mengambilnya yang ternyata adalah sebuah apel. “Ini mungkin rezeki untukku”. Ahmad kemudian memakan epal itu.

Tetapi disaat apel itu termakan hampir habis, Ahmad teringat sesuatu. “Astaghfirullah, Kalau ada buah apel terjatuh, berarti disekitar sini ada sebuah kebun. Dan bila ada sebuah kebun, mungkin kebun itu ada yang memiliki. Ya Allah Ampunilah hambamu yang telah memakan buah ini tanpa meminta izin kepada pemiliknya. Sebaiknya aku mencari dimana pemilik kebun dari buah ini.

Ahmad pun kemudian menyusuri sungai itu tanpa merasa letih. Dan benarlah, ternyata diujung sebuah hulu sungai ada sebuah kebun apel yang sangat luas. Ahmad kemudian mendatangi kebun itu dan mencari pemiliknya. Disaat Ahmad sedang mencari tiba-tiba seorang tua mengejutkannya.

“Assalamu’alaikum. Sedang mencari apa gerangan anak muda?”

“Waalaikumussalam… Apakah bapak tau siapa pemilik kebun apel ini?”

“Sayalah pemiliknya. Kenapa ?

“Jadi, jadi pemilik kebun ini adalah bapak sendiri. Oh.. Kebetulan sekali. Saya minta maaf kerana saya telah memakan sebuah apel yang saya duga berasal dari kebun bapak”.

“Dimana engkau menemukannya anak muda?” tanya org tua itu.

“Disebuah sungai disaat saya sedang minum dan membasuh muka saya”.

Pemilik kebun apel itu terdiam dan menatap mata Ahmad dengan tajam. Ahmad pun kemudian berkata, “Maafkanlah saya pak, saya siap menerima hukuman apa pun dari bapak. Apapun hukumannya, asalkan bapak memaafkan saya”.

“Ya, ya ya…. Kalau begitu kau akan menerima hukuman dariku”. Kata orang tua itu seraya terus menatap tajam mata ahmad.
“Silakan, apa hukuman yang akan aku terima ?”

“Kau harus membersihkan kebunku selama satu bulan penuh”
“Baiklah, saya akan menjalankan hukuman itu dengan ikhlas kerana Allah” Kata Ahmad sabar.

Demikianlah, berhari-hari Ahmad membersihkan kebun apel itu dengan rajin dan senang. Dia berharap dapat menghapus kesalahan yang telah dilakukannya. Hingga tidak terasa satu bulan penuh Ahmad telah menjalankan hukuman. Ahmad pun kemudian mendatangi pemilik kebun itu.

“Saya telah menjalankan hukuman untuk membersihkan kebun selama satu bulan penuh. Dan hari ini adalah hari yang terakhir, Apakah ada hukuman lain untuk menebus kesalahan saya?” Tanya Ahmad.

“Ada. Aku mempunyai seorang anak gadis bernama Rokayah. Dia buta, tuli, bisu dan lumpuh. Kau harus menikahinya.Jawab pemilik kebun

Bukan cuma terkejut, Ahmad pun gemetar. Tubuhnya berkeringat. Kerana Ahmad berfikir begitu berat ujian dan hukuman yang dia terima. pemilik kebun itupun bertanya.

“Kenapa, apakah kau tidak bersedia?” tanya pemilik kebun itu membuat ahmad berfikir. Tidak lama kemudian ahmad dapat menguasai diri. Dia yakin apabila pemilik kebun tidak memaafkannya, maka Allah pun tidak akan memaafkan kesalahannya yang telah memakan apel yang bukan miliknya.

“Baiklah, saya akan penuhi. Saya ikhlas kerana Allah untuk menikahi anak pak cik. Jawab Ahmad

Dengan kesabaran dan keikhlasan Ahmad pun kemudian menikahi gadis pemilik kebun apel. Disaat usai pernikahan, Ahmad hendak memasuki kamar pengantin yang didalamnya telah menunggu gadis pemilik kebun apel

“Assalamu’alaikum”…. Ucap Ahmad seraya membuka tirai kamar.

“Wa’alaikummussalam, Silakan masuk. Aku telah menunggu sejak tadi” Seorang gadis menjawab dari dalam kamar

Ahmad terkejut bukan kepalang mendengar jawaban itu.

“Oh, maafkan saya. Mungkin saya salah memasuki kamar ini. Sebenarnya saya mencari gadis bernama Rokayah. Dia anak pemilik kebun apel”. Kata Ahmad bingung.

“Sayalah yang engkau cari”. Jawab gadis itu

“Oh tidak…. Tidak mungkin”.

Ahmad pun berlalu dengan tergesa meninggalkan gadis itu dan menemui pemilik kebun.

“Sebelumnya maafkan saya yang telah lancang memasuki sebuah kamar seorang gadis cantik. Tapi… dimanakah sebenarnya kamar Rokayah isteri saya?” Tanya Ahmad

“Kau tidak salah. Yang kau masuki memang kamar rokayah anakku satu-satunya. Dan yang didalam kamar memang anakku. Dialah rokayah”.

“Tetapi kenapa saya tidak melihat dia buta, tuli, bisu dan lumpuh?” Tanya Ahmad.

“Anakku….. Rokayah memang buta, tuli, bisu dan lumpuh. Tapi yang aku maksud dia buta, kerana dia tidak pernah menggunakan kedua matanya untuk melihat hal-hal yang buruk. Dia tuli, kerana telinganya tidak pernah digunakan untuk mendengarkan pembicaraan-pembicaraan yang buruk.

Dia bisu, kerana dia tidak pernah menggunakan mulutnya untuk berbicara kotor. Dan dia lumpuh, kerana dia tidak pernah berjalan ketempat-tempat maksiat. Sekarang segeralah kau kembali kekamarnya. Temuilah dia yang sekarang menjadi isterimu”.

Betapa bahagianya Ahmad yang ternyata mendapatkan seorang isteri yang bukan cantik jelita, namun seorang gadiis yang beriman dan taat kepada Allah.

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faith like a tree

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
*Learning Life From a Tree* (Moral Message) A gardener tries to do a simple research. He grows the same 2 crops on the same land. The only difference is how he takes care of the plant. The *first* plant is watered regularly every morning and afternoon while the *second* plant is watered every 2 days. When the plant grows big enough, it's time to test the strength of the roots. *The difference is quite stark* It takes less than 2 minutes to remove the roots from the first plant. For the second plant, it took more than four minutes to pull it out! *Why did this happen?* *first crop* simply spoiled with water that he can easily, so that the roots do not try to look into the deeper soil. *While the second crop* because it gets less water supply, then inevitably the roots look to the water source, so that they find the roots are much stronger because they go deeper into the ground. *MORAL MESSAGE* *God's way of educating us is not much different from the illustration.* * Just imagine if GOD pampers us by granting all the prayers we ask for or never allowing suffering and life's problems.* Of course this will make us spoiled. Not only that, we will be crybaby. * As a result, the roots of our faith are not strong and when problems occur, our lives fall easily!* * GOD loves us very much, that's why HE always matures and trains the roots of our faith.* Allowing suffering, trouble, life pressures or unpleasant circumstances, in the hope that the roots of our faith continue to seek the true "Source". *Do you choose to be a spoiled person with fragile roots?* or become a person who is matured by God? *WITHOUT PROBLEMS, WE WILL ONLY BE BROKEN PEOPLE AND HAVE FRAGILE ROOTS OF FAITH!!*

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finding mate

Posted by Motivasi hidup Tuesday, 1 November 2022 0 komentar
MATE IS UNIQUE Often the chased away, The one who accidentally approached. Which seems certain to be in doubt, What was initially doubted became certain. What you always dream of does not end in marriage, Who never dreamed of being on the aisle. That's God's scenario, life is like a story I play my part, you play your part It's just that we don't know what the end of the story will be Just enjoy the journey, because everything has been measured and it's impossible to change In the end what we can learn from life is how Accept the situation without having to hate reality Follow the flow and enjoy the process Learn more calmly enjoy life with a process without protest If in the end you are not with people who often you mention in your prayer Maybe you will be with someone who is secretly often mention your name in his prayer Marriage is fate and love is destiny. You can plan to marry anyone But you can't plan your love for whom. because no matter how beautiful your plans are, your God's plans are even more beautiful

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