Posted by Unknown
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
The best gifts , wrapped in love , and tied with ribbon heart . , words of motivation and inspiration stories, , in my previous posting about tips out of trouble , Tips to build a team in the working. on this occasion, let me discuss a little about tips and how to persuade people well.
Knoxvile , tennesse , . Few days after my second child was born , I had to go to South Carolina . While
on the way home , a sudden snowstorm suddenly down , and made me and a
few other riders stuck all night , fortunately , I was in the back of a
greyhound bus . The bus driver was very good-natured , so allow me to stay in the bus . The next day , the toll roads are clean , and I went on my way home .
Just now, as I put the car into the garage , and went into the house , my wife said that we needed baby supplies. I'm back wearing cool clothes , when to the door , my first child is four years old , suzan said , " dad , I want to come ? I explained to her that the weather is bad , " I'm not going to go long , you should stay at home " . like most in a four year olds do , suzan said " but dad , I feel lonely without you " . I told her ' it is with your mother , sister , and baby sitters . Then suzan looked at me and said " but dad , I miss you " . Hearing words like that , I decided to take her to the store right at the time .
If I look back , it is most excellent persuasion , and sincere from the heart , without guile, and without deception . With a direct and simple way , suzan makes me feel important to her , that I just miss her that .
I believe that , if you are being what it is , speak honestly ,
sincerely from the heart , and directly to the people in a way that is
full of love , then you will improve dramatically the quality of your
communication , and your persuasion power will also increase .
Nobody who lost the eyesight , when looking on the bright side .The honesty was able to defeat a thousand lies , a bundle of promises were able to make you believe ,
and the smallest lie can make you hurt .
Here are some inspiring stories and motivational words from me , may be useful for all of us . Thank you for visiting.See also : Tips on treating trauma with pet therapy , FACTS ABOUT THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF SMOKING
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Posted by Unknown
Wednesday, 14 May 2014, In my previous post about tips on treating trauma with pet therapy , tips out of trouble , tips to build team in working on this occasion , let me discuss a few facts about the negative effects of smoking .
Failure was supposed to be a teacher for us , not a disaster for us . failure is delay , not defeat . Failure is a temporary service , not a dead end .
More recently , I saw two teenage girls who were smoking . Is clearly visible , the two girls are the new smokers . As a father who has seen two daughters suffered from trying to quit smoking . I would like to give advice to both the adolescent girls . but I did not do it , because they are entitled to say that , it was all of no concern to me .
As a businessman , I look to both these young girls , that smoking would make them a hard time finding a job . Because , a lot of companies that do not accept employees who smoke . I imagine them , as potential mothers , smoking habits , very dangerous for the health of their babies . If they still smoke , and had become a mother .
a member of a family of twelve siblings , who now live three brothers ,
really made me to explain to both the teenage girl , that all my
brothers that smokers have already died . You need to know is , the difference of life for people who are not smokers and smokers was nineteen years old . And if the three brothers in my family right now, live the rest of
his life in accordance with that predicted , differences in life it
becomes more twenty years .
I do feel sorry for reprimanding the girls, but I did not do it . Certainly
, there are things that can be done to reprimand the community and is
responsible for the abuse of tobacco to teenagers . Do we need to observe one generation we have gone smoke ?
State officials should be aware that it's not immoral to accept
donations from tobacco companies factory , because one day we have to
pay the evils that we have done now is to countries in the world by sending
thousands of tons of cigarettes to them .
Cigarette tobacco will kill more of them , rather than marijuana and heroin . Speaking of hypocrisy , we need to examine our own values here . Addiction to smoking is really an international issue .
bottom line is that smoking addiction is not good for our lives ,
especially for health and our environment , depending on how we perceive
the use of smoking itself . Everything is back on ourselves.Here are some facts about the negative effects of smoking . May be useful for all of us . Thank you for visiting.
see also how to treat hypertension ( high blood pressure )
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Posted by Motivasi hidup
Friday, 9 May 2014
Love is a game played by two people , and both could be a winner. , in my previous posting about tips to build team in working, tips out of troubles, they are all doing well , On this occasion, let me share a little bit about the reference, "tips on treating trauma with pet therapy". Facts about Elizabeth loves Oscar , maybe it sounds not as important news . But for me is not so . Elizabeth is a special girl , she was born with mental retardation , and this life gives her a lot of challenges . One of the challenges that frustrated is a fear of dogs . Only barking dogs can make it scream .
It made Elizabeth did not dare go out in the neighborhood . Because many dog roam . Elizabeth's life more uncomfortable , wherever she is .However , at some point , something changed her life . Right on his birthday . Elizabeth got a gift that completely changed her fears . The prize is Oscar , mini dog , a type of dachshund ( long -bodied dog breed , and short legs ) . For Elizabeth , Oscar is a cute dog , and have long hair . Elizabeth was not scared by a little pup named Oscar .
Elizabeth felt excited and happy with Oscar . A few weeks later , a woman came to her , Cindy Oates and therapy
dogs , golden retriever types ( different dogs have fur golden color ) , named emmit . Emmit is the big dog , and could be in order .
purpose is , that Elizabeth felt comfortable with the type of dog , by
giving a brief command , now Elizabeth already feel comfortable
with emmit , as well as other dogs . Now , the quality of life Elizabeth has experienced great changes , Elizabeth no longer afraid. And in fact , no longer fear he felt.
, all over the country , pet , especially dogs , can provide a tool for
children , adults , and the elderly , can become therapy animals . Pet therapy is one of the fastest growing areas in the United States . In fact , demand for therapy dogs for adults exceeds supply .
Currently , the goal of therapy dogs are trained to the hospital , to
help the patient in doing various things , which they have never done
before , due to accidents , drug addiction , or trauma .
It is true , someone else can give you pleasure . However , happiness comes when you do things for other people .
therefore , involve yourself in a pet therapy program .In fact , why entertain your dog when you are sad . The reason is , because the dog is not trying to figure out why you are sad .
Thus , references to the tips treating trauma , with pet therapy or animal assisted . Good tips that I share this useful to you all. thank you for visiting.
read also tips better longevity and how to deal with disaster
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