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Try it, maybe you can

Posted by Unknown Thursday, 26 June 2014 0 komentar
Try it, maybe you can.

    All people hear only what be knew.

    Good morning, on the occasion of this morning, I would invite you to go to the past, which at that time, we find a lot of stories from people who can give us motivation, inspiration, advice, or a good example. On this occasion, I will share some of the stories, which perhaps we can learn.
     The story of a woman aged 90 years old. when asked, if he could play the piano, she replies that she does not know. "You do not know what it means? 'Woman then replied with a smile," I've never tried it ". I think it is a good answer, which I hope will open the eyes, ears, and the way some people think. Many of us who have a talent that has not been utilized, because we have never "try" to do something else and different.
   Another story is, nat king cole story. Almost everyone knows "nat king cole". He admired all the beautiful people because of his voice and silky smooth. He can sing ballads, in which only a few people can match. All people do not know how he started his career, he began his career as a piano player.
    One night, at the club's west coast, the singer was not present there that night, and the club owners look for it. When nat king cole said that the singer was ill. The club owner said, "if there is no singer, I would not pay his wages." Since that night, nat king cole take over and sing. The rest is history.
    As for the other stories that we could emulate, from the title of this post. For example, the story will rogers. During the first seven years of his career, Rogers will demonstrate the ability to play rope. He was a true cowboy. He is very skilled at playing rope. On one night, one of the audience asked, the answer to that question will make everyone laugh. Then, there is another who asked him, once again will rogers respond with a sense of humor. Since that night, began his career as a versatile comedian. However, he was more than a comedian. He has an innocent nature, motivating and always inspiring to everyone.

Message: You may not be able to sing well or play the good straps or provide motivation and can not advise all people. But, you have the ability that you can use and you need to develop.
Suggestion: if they ask you, if you can do something you've never done before, do not immediately answer "no". Think about it, maybe you should try it first. Chances are, you have the ability that you do not realize. Try it, maybe you can.

    Here are some stories that I can share, may be useful for all of us. thank you for your visit.
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How do I choose a husband for your daughter?

Posted by Unknown Friday, 20 June 2014 1 komentar
How do I choose a husband for your daughter?

     The motivator, on this occasion I will discuss a bit about how to choose a husband for your daughter, this particular message to the father, you are supposed to choose a husband for your daughters. On previous occasions, I also never talk about
how to become an optimist people, click here, and changes is good for you, click here.
   If what you believe can not affect the way you live, then what you believe it does not really matter.
Do not misunderstand, I do not mean to suggest that you try searching the newspapers or in the neighborhood where you live, to choose the proper husband for your daughter. However, I want to say to you, that you are helping your daughter choose her future husband. for choosing a good husband for your daughter, click here.
The process begins when your daughter like to sit on your lap or ride your back. Actually, the first knowledge that was obtained by your daughters about relationships with the opposite sex is derived from his father. What is a father teaching his daughter how a man treats a woman, would be a measure of expectations-expectations. If you treat your wife with courtesy and respect, then your daughter will keep it in his memory as the way it should be treated by her future husband.
When you see your son loves his mother and treated with respect, he came to know that he should treat his future wife like that. but on the contrary, if you look at your daughter Treating your wife with rough, then your daughter will learn that such a man that treats a woman, and he would not be surprised, though obviously your daughter will not like it if her husband will be abused her.
When you get married, it will be in your wife's mother say to your wife is "you have made a deal of a lifetime, but if he is torturing you, you know there are homes available for you". By surprising coincidence, that's what we say to our daughters. This communication helped our daughter avoid mistakes and errors.
So, for the father, the meaning of all this is, "if you love your daughter, then you should treat your daughter and mother with respect and tact. If you do, chances are your daughter will choose her future husband wisely. The possibility that her candidate is also exactly what will be chosen by her father. if you have a questions. how can i help my daughter marry well? click here.

"Whale holding a message to his son, only if you spray water, you will be in a spear".
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