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how to eliminate the confusion

Posted by Motivasi hidup Friday, 28 February 2014 0 komentar
              How to overcome problems in the heart

how to eliminate the confusion
            Situations like this sometimes make some people complain . Everything in our lives is almost filled with a variety of problems . One unresolved issue , it appears again another problem .
not a few people who finally feel hopeless . And feel no more way out to resolve the problems in life.
  Many people think , the entertainment is a solution that can be overcome and alleviate the existing problems . So any entertainment facilities on offer . One of them is listening to music , singing , watching television shows that make laugh , watch movies. But honestly , it is not the solution , it is just a container that holds all of the problems at the next level will create new problems .
Solutions do exist at our respective beliefs . Whatever we believe is related to God and religion will give peace in the heart . Not only in the hereafter but also in the world . With the closer to god in the hearts of anxiety , worry and upset to be lost in the liver .
As much as any existing problems , the closer to god and many - many calling his name . Will make a person immune from things that could disturb his happiness . Humans are close to god , then god will always be noticed . Draw closer to God , is a requirement that every religious community . Because in every situation there is always a vicious man who tried to disrupt the peace of the human heart .
So , just to get closer to God will confer resistance to interference devil . In addition , by extending us remember God will give you peace in your heart and relieve all that burdensome .
God says . "Those who believe , and whose hearts become peaceful by remembering Allah . Remember , by remembering Allah do hearts become peaceful . " ( Qur'an letter Arra'd : 28 ) .The main source of all problems in human life are the sins which they did . No matter how small the sins are done in humans , it will leave a black spot in the heart . It will not be possible happiness that will fit into a heart full of black dots .
Because of this , people who are at recommended to always remember and close to god that black spot in the heart erased by the name of gods . Draw closer to God is a simple activity but has tremendous benefits .so , the best place to get close to God is when we are alone with tears in eyes and appreciate all the sin which we have done , in this way , all the existing problems in life will be answered by God .A few posts today , may be useful . I hope that we all , especially the visitors of this blog is always in the protection of God , and may we all including people close to god . May the gods bless you all . amen

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how to address the fate of god

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
how to address the fate of god

   Expect better than dreaming and despair. Do not despair , Beliefs and prejudices on the gods must be present in every Muslim . We should not despair let alone to commit suicide . Allah says , " O say, my servants , which goes beyond the limits of themselves , do not despair of the mercy me , the real god forgives all sins . Surely Allah is All-forgiving , Most Merciful , " ( az - Zumar : 53 )
         In the above verse , even if god has called them as "those who exceed the limits " but god still invite them to hope and not despair . Whatever human error , no matter how large scales , god kept waiting at the door of forgiveness from the god . If they ask for forgiveness , then god forgive .
   Still, do not get me wrong . Not everyone who has hope will forgive his sins . Those who forgive are people in earnest asking forgiveness . Brands are people who do repent . While regretting his mistake , they replace it with kindness . While admitting guilt , they promised not to repeat it . Many people are fooled between hope and wishful thinking . People who wish always buck . As for the person who fancies lazing they did not even do anything against his expectations . To distinguish between people who expect and can fantasize assumes as two farmers who have a piece of land . A farmer who planted , watered and nurtured the plants . That people who wish . While farmers are both not doing anything but hoping to reap the results , they do not grow anything but want to pick the fruit .
    How many we meet the visionary . They expect heaven but do good deeds according denizens of Hell . They expect mercy and forgiveness of Allah but they see themselves daily to accumulate piles of sin . In saying they want but they actually do something that brings wrath .
This is the main work of the devil, in his mission to mislead people . With the lure lure of earthly pleasure , demons also invites men to long chimera to whisper sweet words and false promises that are polished with lust . Eventually they get busy in the shadows by the pleasures of the world .
Prophet asserted , " an intelligent person is one who always evaluates himself and work for life after death . And the weak are always followeth his own lust and dreaming about the gods , " ( narrated by Ahmad , Ibn Majah and Tirmidzi ).

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way wish to god

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar
way wish to god

Way wish to god , Hoping is not dreaming ,One characteristic of the believer is convinced and always expect the almighty god 's grace , a sign of the persistence of faith . In any landslides often we hear there are victims who are still alive after being buried after days . Why are they still survive ? they answer because they still harbored hopes to live and survive
Hope is the power of incredible spiritual energy which is owned believer . Hope that's what caused the Muslims always pray to god . Prayer is evidence of faith and implementation . In fact , though not yet in the grant , a believer still happy to pray . This is because he believes that the petition could be replaced with something better . , Or request delayed until an appointed time , especially in the hereafter .

   Prayer , in addition to a highly effective means of worship to get closer to god almighty also a surefire way to foster hope, motivation , as well as hard work . People who believe hopeless in earnest and more energetic in running his life .
The most important is the gods wish to assume good faith to him . Positive thoughts should be instilled , because Allah will follow his servant prejudice . As a man of faith , obligatory kind thought to the gods that mercy is very broad , covering everything . Even god has a nature 's wrath and the punisher but grace precedes from the wrath .
Prophet said , " when creating creatures , gods created a provision in his book which was on its side , in fact my mercy precedes My wrath " ( Bukhari and Muslim history ) .Therefore no one despair of the mercy of Allah. Therefore , grace is very broad and distributed to anyone who is expecting . Even pagans also received mercy , although only in the world . Moderate Muslims get a blessing in the world and in the hereafter,

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Posted by Motivasi hidup Thursday, 13 February 2014 0 komentar

   How to overcome problems in the family life ,  Invites couples to the road gods, is the presence of a field test at a time of worship that tested the patience and faith. Everyone is always changing, and that change always brings new things in life, including households. However, in view of the changes either by one spouse, not necessarily also considered as a good thing by others. Turned into something better is something that is expected, but no shared vision, hope it can turn into anxiety.
Because marriage means living life with others then our perspective on the issue was no longer an individual perspective, but the perspective should involve other people. so even when we decided to move towards a better, not just ignore what we understand, which is important for any couple thinking in consider.
This is then called to grow along with the couple. Grow together to achieve the common good, not the best and there is no one left behind by kindness. Even in the matter of truth, prudence and the best methods to be able to run together the truth, it is in need. Encourage couples to be able to grow in the truth that previously we get is worship that should be run at the same time wholeheartedly requires hard work. It would be very alarming, when the couples who have many years of life accompany finally just want to be left behind., Just because of our impatience to lead him to the truth.
    For reasons that are not based on Islamic thought. Indeed he is a field worship almighty god has given us. Think of him as the grace that comes from the gods to further strengthen the truths we have handheld. Existence itself is medium to remove the sins we have done before coming instructions. Led to the truth of what we have seen is the way to remove traces of errors and aggravate the scales goodness. Please know that we have real couples this is a test from god almighty. Hold on to keep him on the truth of god come to a decision. If god decides he became someone who opposed his orders and try to pull us back to the past mistakes so give him the best way, the best way it means a good divorce. 
     Tolerant to end a marriage that was never connected. Due to the nature of the actual divorce to facilitate and pave the life of a married couple who can not be together anymore. God almighty said, ".... And once in a while he does not make for you in a narrow religion .. "(al-hajj {22}: 78) However, once again, this is a last resort that should be present in the mind of a believer. Previously, reflect back, have a couple we become our first priority to get clues as we get. 

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Posted by Motivasi hidup Wednesday, 12 February 2014 0 komentar

    HOW TO FORGIVE IS EASY AND WONDERFUL, Forgive is easy and wonderful,when teased out a good name , whether that comes in the hearts and minds ? Maybe he would be offended and angry , even sued the law for the sake of clear his good name . What if this happened to slander a believer ? What attitude should he take? Religion of Islam teaches that a believer is willing to forgive and hold anger with patience .
Within the scope of civilization Qur'an and sunna should be the main principle determines a truth and goodness . For god 's revelation has been proven capable of realizing the noble human civilization , including those facing morals prevailing unjust . This trait is very noble . Islam praises those who adorn themselves with a forgiving nature .

      He will be incorporated into the class of people that will best achieve the love of god almighty . Islam does allow oppressed people to reply with the penalty . Supreme God in the Qu'ran letter explaining ash- shura 39-43 retaliation for a crime that is similar reply . But this is always the perfect religion encourages each person to give forgiveness . Because, god almighty it is calling such things in priority .
Indeed , if the criminal action in reply to the crime then will give birth to the nature of envy and resentment . However , if the crime in reply to goodness it would extinguish the fire of wrath , appease the soul , and cleans stains revenge . Being a forgiving person and family is the fruit of faith and devotion to the supreme god . Here's a story that bias was a model for us " mentioned that the news had reached an imam ahmad on neighbor relates to an chided . However , the news does not make it angry or retaliate .

     Then he called his son , and sent to prepare a plate of fruit . The food was deliver to neighbors who have chided . This is the noble qualities that make a family more precious in the sight of men and in the presence of god creator . Most of us can not behave like the example above . In fact , as a believer we should have these properties .
Understanding of the nature of forgiveness reflect good morals . That's the nature of an underlying faith and true affection . A proud and like to pride themselves would be hard to be noble like that . Conversely , a believer becomes easy to act like that , knowing the pleasure of Allah reward is much greater than just the satisfaction of replying to obey similar vices with vices . Moreover, not forgiving at all will reduce the position and make a person nor contemptible . Even make it glorious .

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how to be merciful

Posted by Motivasi hidup 0 komentar

Meaning of forgiveness. Forgive it feels heavy , but not forgive also give adverse effects are not mild . people who carry grudges tantamount to carry the load all the time . This heart will ache when remembering someone who has hurt us . especially if you meet in person .
      The pain in the heart that it really is even more handcuff our own souls . our potential is not optimal due to the heavy load . Thinking was no longer clear , always assume the negative . forgive though often breeds glory , often feel the weight of our own doing . which appears precisely reactive stance . when someone hurts us the reasons of fairness, we too reflexively responded , even less so in fact redundant .
 That's a big disaster the deadly growth of our faith . the more we can close the life of grace god almighty . not a sign of faith to love his brother ? our good deeds can be burned because there an error's in people who have not we forgive .
     on the contrary , to forgive , there is an opportunity for us to become better . to forgive , people who had hostile can become close friends . in fact , it could be a staunch defender of the opponent , because they see the greatness of soul to forgive .
     for we are able to forgive , the load hanging in the soul will be separated . we feel regardless of the shackles . our souls became more peaceful . forgive the mistakes of others does not mean we let their mistakes . nor we assume that error as truth .
    we forgive the person, but we have to assume his guilt as an error . people who are not willing to forgive and continue to question will not be able to take the benefit and wisdom for the good life . heart pain also showed us less patient and willing to the provisions god almighty .
     to not lose the opportunity to forgive us achieve degrees of glory . if we are able to overcome the ego , we will be able to overcome the dam mater to take lessons . Therefore, when we remember the angry gods for mercy and multiply .
 Clear conscience and airy will be able to understand the situation of the other person 's point of view . why they do injustice like that ? probably due to their ignorance or because they are pinched due to the circumstances .
     The event could be a mirror that is more open our hearts . we are grateful to Allah has reminded us through what happened . the clarity of our hearts can take the wisdom behind what happened to us . since no one event that happened to have been in the desired except by the gods . see the wisdom behind the incident .Forgiving  will vacate the souls and hearts soften . Let us learn to forgive by forgiving beauty benefits .

 see also : the characteristic of a winner

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